What are they going to do about the LIES they have been teaching concerning the beginning of the universe. The solution to your problems is easy. TELL THE TRUTH. In the Beginning..GOD. Tell the TRUTH about your false religions - "The Theory of Evolution" and the "Big Bang Theory of Creation". After 200 plus years of digging, and thousands of reconstructed skeletons, "Evolutionists", "Secular Humanists"and "Scientists" still can not explain the absence of "so-called" cross over species. The reason: THERE ARE NO CROSS OVER SPECIES. There never were and never will be.
Without these "missing links" "Evolution" is a fraud and anyone that believes in it has serious mental problems. The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable. GOD created all the complex life forms we see in the past and present. It is by GOD's Words and His effort that gave us the beast of the field, beast of the Earth, beast and fish in the rivers and seas, fowls of the air and human life. There is no verifiable "Evolutionary Process" that has created anything. It is a LIE. So, admit it.
Every fossil, discovered to date, is complete and the evidence is undeniable and overwhelming that every animal past and present reproduce young after it's kind. {Gen 1:20-24 (KJV)} The same undeniable and overwhelming evidence exist for plant life. All plants, herbs and trees come from seeds that reproduce after their kind. {Gen 29-31 (KJV)} This overt rejection of GOD's TRUTH for scientific and academic LIES is largely due to the scientific and academic community's unwavering belief in the LIES of "Evolution" and "The Big Bang Theory".
Admit Darwin and everyone that supported his "Theory of Evolution" were wrong. Darwin's theory rest entirely on the assumption that his process of "Natural Selection" had to take place over millions of years, because animals and plants were too complex for "Natural Selection" to work in any time period less than that. Hence the need for millions and billions of years, rather than 50,000 years or less. Laboratory scientists and geneticists have butchered over 30,000 generations of fruit flies, and they still get fruit flies. A horse has never given birth to a scientist and a pig has never given birth to a college professor. It is not going to happen. The Earth is not billions of years old and neither is the universe. If this were true, we would all be dead.
The "Scientific Community" might as well give up their LIES about the age of the universe. The reason: The Sun is shrinking at a constant linear rate of 5 feet per hour. That's 43,800 feet per year. If the Sun were 4.5 billion years old and you multiplied 43,800 feet per year times the age given for our galaxy, and reversed the process, the only celestial body in this galaxy would be the Sun, and it would be huge. Since the Earth is thought to be the same age, this planet would either not exist or be a burned out cinder...and it isn't.
If our Sun began it's existence 4.5 billion years ago and shrank at its current rate, we would all be dead. The Sun would have disappeared and Earth would be a frozen wasteland. Even if the Earth managed to survive as a burned out cinder or a frozen barren rock, we would still be dead. The "Second Law of Thermodynamics" would have killed us. Over time, during the lifetime of a dynamic system, the system degenerates, falls apart or runs down. If the Earth is as old as scientist say it is, it would have degenerated a long time ago and life could not be sustained.
However, if you used 50,000 years or less, added the shrinkage back and took it away, the sun would be approximately the same size it is now. This is overwhelming physical evidence for a young Earth and an even younger moon. If the universe were as old as scientist say it is, thousands of star systems would be forming every second, new inorganic matter; as well as new intelligent life forms would be emerging before our very eyes right here on planet Earth, and that isn't happening.
Scientist have not seen one star system form since astronomers began studying the heavens, no new inorganic matter and no new life forms, intelligent or otherwise during the entire lifespan of recorded human history. Why do these well educated and intelligent people in leadership positions around the world insist on maintaining LIES as TRUTH? The answer: It is because these billions of years of manufactured time are necessary to support their misconceptions, academic LIES, scientific LIES, false religions, bankrupt intellectualism, false doctrines and corrupt governments.
This concept of billions of years comes from Darwinism and Darwinism is the philosophical foundation and false doctrine of "Secular Humanists". These poor dysfunctional, misguided, but highly educated people really believe there is no GOD. Charles Robert Darwin was not a GOD. He was only a man. He was an English Naturalist and along with Alfred Russell Wallace's essays gave the world the book, "On the Origin of the Species" in 1859.
This bogus philosophy has been the scourge of humanity since its inception. Because of Darwin's philosophy and the bankrupt intellectuals that support his hallucinations about the origin of life on Earth, over 110,000,000 people are dead. Millions more psychologically handicapped and millions more supporting dead politicians, philosophies, ideologies, governments and institutions. The only thing keeping the living dead from realizing THEY ARE THE LIVING DEAD, is pyschological misdirection in the form of cauterized entertainment, chemicalized and processed foods, illegal and legal drugs and conspicuous materialism.
Darwin and his supporters; both past and present, reportedly proposed and provided scientific evidence that all life on Earth evolved over time from one or a few common ancestors through the process of "Natural Selection". "Natural Selection" was later modified to include "Survival of the Fittest" a term coined by Herbert Spencer in his book "Principles of Biology" in 1864.
The academic community still prefers to use the term "Natural Selection" rather than "Survival of the Fittest". This evolutionary concept is widely accepted by the scientific community, the academic community and the general public, even though there is absolutely no evidence; physical or otherwise, to support it.
Since 1930, the "Evolutionary Theory" has been the foundation of biology, "Secular Humanism" and the world's leading scientists and governments. They claim it provides a unifying and logical explanation for the diversity of life found on planet Earth. The TRUTH is..the "Theory of Evolution" provides no explanation for all the diversity of life found on planet Earth past or present and the "Big Bang Theory" provides no scientific evidence for a universe that is over 50,000 years. And...please don't spread more LIES about the accuracy of radiometric or carbon dating.
If these "Evolutionists", "Scientists" and "Secular Humanists" do not discard the LIES...they believe in, the rest of us should discard them. And....make absolutely certain that these psychologically distrubed people never hold public office, teach in our educational institutions, participate in the sciences and never ever be allowed to enter our judicial system as a sitting judge in any legal proceeding. Anyone that accepts an ABSOLUTE LIE as TRUTH and worships that ABSOLUTE LIE, is not worthy of our trust, respect or support.