If world leaders allow this to happen, World War III will devastate this planet and may turn this earth into a burned out cinder devoid of human life. Why are these Middle Eastern problems so difficult to solve politically? The answer is simple. Lack of leadership and lack of will by the Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians. History is very clear on these facts. Yet, these facts are rarely mentioned, rarely taught and rarely used as the foundation for constructive political engagement or debate.
Consequently the only lasting solution to the Middle Eastern problem is for the rest of the world to tell the truth and repeat the truth continuously until the Arabs, Muslims and the so-called Palestinians acknowledge they are liars and the Western powers, including the Vatican, stop supporting them in their lies. The more the truth is spoken and heard, the more awareness it will create and crushing military defeats will not be necessary for the following reasons.
1. Anti-semitism (Jew Hatred) will eventually decline because the Jews have benefitted every culture that allowed them to thrive and prosper.
2. Hamas, the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) and Hezbollah will be seen as they really are - murderous gangs of Muslims masquerading as a political and para-military organization.
3. Muslims, Islam and Islamic law will be revealed for what they really are - a totalitarian religious group and a despotic philosophy that masquerades as a religion and a legal code.
4. Pagan Christianity, its political systems (socialism, predatory capitalism and dysfunctional communism), the Roman Catholic Church and many of its Protestant offsprings, will be revealed for what they really are - the "Lamb that speaks as a dragon".
5. Arab leaders will be exposed for what they are - dictators masquerading as kings and sheiks that tell more politically oriented lies than truth.
6. The so-called Palestinians will eventually accept the fact and truth that they are exiled Arabs and/or Trans-Jordanians and end their unfounded and unjustifiable claim to Israeli territory.
The truth can and will set you free. Let's examine how truth will help Eastern and Western world leaders begin the process of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, The Israeli-Arab Conflict and The Muslim-Christian Conflict. Arabs, Muslims and Palestinian leaders are liars. The first real step to solving the crisis in the Middle East is to speak the truth. Israel has never threatened her Arab neighbors, Muslims or the so-called Palestinians. These people have always, without exception, threatened Israel.
It is the Arabs, Muslims and the so-called Palestinians that should be pressured into accepting truth, concessions and land for peace and not the Israelis. There is no such reality as an occupation in your own territory or return of refugees to lands they never owned, unless these exiled Arabs and/or Trans-Jordanians are advocating some bizarre squatter's rights. These people that call themselves Palestinians were formerly Arabs and/or Trans-Jordanians. In fact, under the Ottoman-Turks, that ruled the region for hundreds of years, there is no mention of Palestine or Palestinians.
Pagan Christianity and its politcal systems have also maintained the lie about a Palestinian nationality and culture. The reason, Jerusalem. The closest people or group that existed in world history that can be remotely considered as Palestinians are the Philistines - the enemies of the Children of Israel. For all practical purposes, the Gaza strip can be considered the former homeland of the Philistines.
Palestine as a province or name came into existence because the region was renamed during the reign of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Consequently, Palestine could not have existed during the time of Jesus the Christ as many Christian bibles and modern historians portray. This geographic region was formerly Canaan and GOD (YHVH), gave this land to the "Children of Israel" because the sins of its inhabitants had reached full measure. Read the truth for yourself in the biblical text and any good history book that tells the truth. The online reference site, Wikipedia, is a good place to start, even though there are numerous historical inaccuracies calling the area Palestine before it became the combined provinces of Judaea (which included Samaria) and Galilee that eventually became Syria Palaestina (See Palestine).