Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Curse And Philosophy Of Separatism

A curse is an affliction, evil incarnate, an insidious state of affairs. The curse of separatism and its inherent philosophy is no less insidious and has plagued mankind since the "Tower of Babel".

The curse of separatism and the philosophy it has spawned divide and redivide our lives and realities into opposing forces or camps. It sets nation against nation, ethnic group against ethnic group, race against race, men against women, brother against brother, management against labor and yes, it can even set children against their parents.

Under the curse of separatism, body, mind, soul and spirit are disjointed and ununited. Man is separated from himself, GOD and nature. People are separated from themselves and the world in which they live. The curse of separatism creates divisions where none should exist. The curse and the philosophy it has produced have been steadily growing through out the millenniums. Together they have consumed more and more of our reality until it is difficult to determine what is truth and what is a lie.

Under the curse of separatism and its ensuing philosophy, holistic reality becomes fragmented. Fragmentation degenerates into factionalization and fractionalization. Factionalization and fractionalization neutralize and prohibit intellectual growth, integration and unification. As a result nations and groups war against each other. Only unification and integration working together are strong enough to overcome and repudiate the divisionistic effects of separatism. However, it rarely happens.

The curse of separatism and its accompanying philosophy are so all consuming, so well entrenched until they literally defy the human mind's ability, capacity and intellectuality to grasps its reality. The curse of separatism and its philosophy have been destroying our environment and our peace and tranquility for thousands of years. They are so pervasive until they seem like a normal part and pattern of our lives.

Ironically, this degenerate and abnormal state of affairs has been around so long and used so often to justify rampant nationalism, socialism, communism and predatory capitalism until many people actually believe it is normal to separate "White from Black", Rich from Poor", "Jews from Gentiles", Protestants from Catholics", "Shi'ite from Sunni", "Buddhist from Hindu", "Muslims from Infidels" and every other divisionistic concept a warped mentality can produce, when the reverse is true.

Entire nations separate and confine themselves to well defined territories. Then the people within these nations further divide and separate themselves by imaginary boundaries such as county and state lines, culture, heritage, race, religion, ethnicity and a host of other debilitating ideologies. These psychological creations of perverted mentalities categorize and characterize people into imaginary groups.

If these groupings ever achieve any real power and authority they immediately begin to subjugate, repress, oppress and discriminate against others. This new power elite separate themselves from the others in order to control, manage or rule over them. Under the curse of separatism and its incessant philosophy, world leaders and the people that support them have conquered, controlled, exploited and butchered millions.

The curse of separatism and its philosophy have not only poisoned governments, they have also corrupted economic systems, educational institutions, religious institutions, political institutions and perverted the mentality of millions. Non integrated degreed programs in colleges and universities, political parties, kingdoms, nation states, war and pestilence, poverty, social disintegration, racism, anti-semitism and even modern terrorism are all products of this curse and its philosophy.

In politics, if two parties are present, one will be conservative and the other liberal. If more than two parties are present they will all have various degrees of conservatism or liberalism. This is done to deceive the masses that they have a choice. If only one party is present, it will separate itself from the people and tyrannize them.

Even the social order has not escaped the curse, its philosophy and its value system. This abhorrent and detestable state of affairs is usually achieved by initiating class distinctions or class struggle; such as, upper class, middle class and lower class. Group distinctions; such as, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Jews, Orientals, Indians, Mexicans, Unions, Blue Collar or White Collar or any other distinction deranged minds can conceive are also physical and intellectual manifestations of this madness.

The curse of separatism is a by product of humanity's original sin and our collective fall from grace which separated us from our true selves and GOD. As a result of the immensity of the fall of man, All humanity is also separated from nature and can only be reconciled back to GOD through JESUS CHRIST and the ministry of reconciliation.

Throughout history, the curse of separatism and its philosophy allow the few to control, repress, suppress, oppress and exploit the many. Together they promote and justify the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a small minority. Together they legitimize the exploitation and/or destruction of natural and/or human resources for the benefit of this small minority. Far too often in our collective world history, this small minority is corrupt and perverted.

Repression of the masses and disunity among the masses are essential for this small group of people to enjoy their privileges and maintain their power and control. Most of the misery, death and destruction this planet has experienced over the last 6,000 years can be directly traced to the curse of separatism and its diabolical philosophy.

The curse, its philosophy and the value systems that emanate from it makes it difficult, if not impossible for people of diverse backgrounds to unite without force or the threat of force. Unity would be a direct threat to the power of the ruling elite and the privileges they enjoy.

This curse and its philosophy promote and encourage the backwardness of most the world's population. This allows the vast majority of the world's resources to be controlled by and for the benefit of a handful of nations. The vast majority of people living within these handful of nations do not see themselves as malevolent. On the contrary, they see themselves as benevolent. They do not see themselves, their greed and their never ending desire for more and more privileges as part of the problem. They sincerely believe they have the solution to the problem.

The backward condition of the remaining world population is not accidental. The backward condition of the vast majority of African and Latino people living in America is not accidental. The curse of separatism and its destructive philosophy must have resources to exploit and population groups to suppress, oppress and tyrannize with force or the threat of force. To call this madness ruthless and brutal is a mild and timid description of its barbarity.

As long as this curse, its philosophy and its value systems are the dominant power on the planet, disease, starvation, deprivation, war and destruction will be with us until all men enter GOD's Kingdom and submit themselves to His rule. The reason for this is quite simple: The opposite philosophy of separation and segregation is unification and integration.

The curse, its philosophy and its value systems are so deeply rooted , entrenched and embedded within societies around the world, until the best we can ever hope to do is tolerate and desegregate or submerge ourselves in our religions and philosophies. Unification and Integration nullifies the curse, its philosophy and its value systems.

It is for this reason that government leaders afflicted with the perverted mentality of separatism and the population group that support them promote and encourage religion rather than the Kingdom of GOD. In the Kingdom of GOD is true spirituality. True spirituality is integrationist in concept and not separatist. True spirituality promotes the union of man, GOD and nature. True spirituality is against exploitation. True spirituality is against nationalism. True spirituality is against greed and waste in all its forms.

True spirituality is against racism. True spirituality is against discrimination in all its forms. True spirituality is against dividing people into imaginary groupings. True spirituality is against communism, socialism and predatory capitalism. True spirituality is against control and repression of the many by the few. True spirituality is against environmental abuse and destruction. True spirtuality is against anything and everything that denies the dignity and rights of man and beast.

True spirituality promotes living and enjoying life in the "here and now" and in "the hereafter". True spirituality promotes responsibility for ones thoughts and actions and does not transfer responsibility to mystical entities, political entities, governments or to others. True spirituality recognizes there is a GOD and his name is YHVH.

The only effective way to counter the curse, its philosophy and value systems is to initiate and implement a philosophy of unification, integration and true spirituality. Problems created by a philosophy can not be solved with that same philosophy. An opposite philosophy must be used. Any methods and procedures produced under the curse of separatism and its value systems will and must create more problems than it solves.

Individually, collectively as a group or nationally, unresolved problems will eventually explode into war or some other violent outbreak sooner or later. The reason for this is simple, separatism divides and weakens. It can not and does not unify and strengthen.

Under the curse of separatism, its inherent philosophy and its value systems, governments can not allow or promote complete integration. Therefore, they promote and condone desegregation. Desegregation allows and supports superficial intermingling which is still separation. This is exactly what is happening in every multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-racial society through out the world. America isn't a bit closer to integration in 2007 than it was in the 17Th Century. African Americans and Latinos have confused increased toleration and desegregation with integration.

Muslim and European nations, the former republics of the Soviet Union, South America, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Africa and 99% of the remaining nations on the planet with diverse population groups are no closer to integration and unification than they were in the 15Th century.

Do not forget, the curse of separatism, its philosophy and its value systems divide and redivide everything into opposing camps or ideologies. This sets the masses and individuals and groups within the masses against each other in all kinds of devious ways. Therefore, real peace on earth for all its inhabitants is not possible without the presence and power of GOD himself.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Part III: Is The African-American Community A Victim Of Failed Leadership?

As we have seen in Part I and II, the economic position of the African-American community is deteriorating instead of improving and dying instead of growing. The reason why this tragic decline is taking place stems from a lack of social consciousness.

Social consciousness has a twin called social cohesiveness. Social consciousness and social cohesiveness can only be achieved with intra-racial integration. It can not be achieved by any other means.
Since 1865, not one African-American organization, group or religious body has deemed it necessary to advance the idea that African-Americans should integrate with themselves.

This simple course of action has been neglected and intra-racial integration has been taken for granted. This oversight has plagued the African-American community for 142 years. For 142 years after slavery, the vast majority of African-Americans are still obsessed with inter-racial integration and not intra-racial integration.

It seemingly never occurred to African-American leaders that their superficial togetherness was not born out of choice, but out of subjugation, political repression, social segregation and economic oppression. Therefore, lacking viable means to interact for mutually beneficial reasons, skin color and slavery became the commonality that brought people together. These are not strong enough reasons to unite the vast majority of African-American people.

Under the barbarism and cruelty of slavery, African-American ancestors were stripped of self knowledge, cultural heritage and identity. Therefore, to assume solidarity because they are considered "Black", is equivalent to assuming Europe is united because they are considered "White". This is obviously not the case.

Therefore, the African-American leadership never suspected or even entertained the possibility that tribal differences, cultural influences, regional differences or intangible sociological or psychological factors might have survived slavery and..could be acting as an unseen barrier preventing social cohesiveness and cooperation. Because of this oversight, methods and procedures were never developed to achieve social intra-racial integration and unification.

If we exclude the "Black Muslim Movement" of Elijah Mohammed, we can safely state that for 142 years, the primary thrust of African-American leadership has been and still is focused on societal acceptance, racial integration and equality with White America and not with equality among themselves or within their own communities. Since Civil Rights, African-Americans have been moving out of their communities in record numbers, as soon as they are financially able to do so.

Therefore, the best minds and the most capable have taken their talents and abilities elsewhere. Consequently, no one within the African-American community implemented corrective measures that could address dormant differences within the community itself that would engender more responsive interaction, enhanced social consciousness and social cohesiveness. Identifying and alleviating differences that could hinder group growth and development was never an important consideration during the formative years of the African-American experience in post Civil War America. At least there is no written record of such programs or actions undertaken by past or present African-American leaders.

Because of "Jim Crowism" and "Southern Baptist Styled Racism", self examination, self fullfilment and self gratification were subverted. So complete was this subversion...that self esteem, self worth, rational thought, scientific investigation, self awareness, social consciousness and social cohesiveness were and still are virtually non-existent within the African-American community.

As this mental retrogression increased over the years, African-Americans became even more dependent on ministers and preachers for leadership and guidance. This is why it was so easy for ministers to lead the "Civil Rights Movement". It was in the church that the myth of racial solidarity began. The forced togetherness of the congregation struggling to reap rewards in "White America" was mistaken for social integration.

This is probably the primary reason why intra-racial integration was never given serious consideration by African-American leaders. The closest African-Americans ever came to confronting their own racial differences was during the Marcus Garvey "Back to Africa Movement" of the 1920's and his "Negro Improvement Association".

Since Marcus Garvey, no African-American leader has put forth the idea that African-Amercans should and must integrate with themselves first. Social intra-racial integration is the only way to resolve dormant differences that might have survived slavery and achieve social cohesiveness that is vital for secular economic and institutional growth and develoment.

It is conceiveable that these cultural and socio-psychological differences might have been passed down through the generations. It is also quite conceiveable that these deep rooted differences within the African-American community have gone unnoticed by even the most astute investigator and observer of the African-American experience. To integrate, means to make into a whole.

Without this commitment and movement toward unification among themselves, African-Americans will remain fragmented and separated with no real leadership group to bring them together as an economic or institutional force. Current African-American leaders have it backward. They sincerely believe political power is the key to economic power. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Money fuels politics, just like it fuels everything else in America and anywhere else in the industrialized world.

Part II: Is The African-American Community A Victim Of Failed Leadership?

In Part I of this series, the tragic state of 9 key indicators of African-American progress since the "Civil Rights Movement" were identified. This is only the tip of the iceberg of failed leadership in the African-American community.

The prison population has nearly tripled, the high school drop out rate is increasing, college enrollment is declining, the African-American business community is vanishing and the intellectual gulf between African-Americans and the rest of the Free world is wider now than it was in 1965.

Yet...this is what African-American leaders call progress. Worst still, African-American leaders have led their people to the economic slaughterhouses in mass. Billions flow out of African-American commuities every year with little or no tangible return. Yet, their leaders have consistently failed to address this issue..why do they keep pressing the social and political agenda..instead of an economic agenda that can resurrect their neighborhoods, communities and improve the lives of their people?

To any casual observer, the socio-economic thrust of the African-American community seems bent on self destruction.. rather than self determination. Why should African-American leaders expect other ethnic groups to do more for their people than they are willing to do for themselves?

The debt to asset ratio of the average African-American worker is near 0% which means... African- Americans communities will suffer the most during federal cutbacks, corporate downsizing or any recession. The "so called" leaders that exist in the African-American business community seem preoccupied with proving to African-Americans that they have arrived.

Such African-American publications like Ebony and Jet seemingly insist on perpetuating these surface images of "so called" African-American progress. Frankly, they need these images to sell ad space to corporate America. There is nothing wrong with this. Glitz and glamour have sold products for years. After all it is the American way. It is precisely these images that every Presidential Administration parades before America that perpetuates the myth of African-American progress. Unfortuantely, this myth keeps African-Americans in a perpetual leadership crisis.

African-Americans do not control a single major financial institution or industry in America, neither has their leadership devised a plan to access the billions America controls. Practically all the "so called" gains their leaders keep pointing to...are short term at best. What else can they be...since African-Americans are not sitting at the industrial and economic table?

Until African-Americans find men of courage and conviction to take the mantle of true leadership and move them...as a group...toward understanding the sciences and applying the LAWS OF ECONOMICS, they will continue to be a colonialized people existing solely...for the purpose of economic exploitation. Where else can you find over 27 million thoroughly conditioned consumers? Where else in the industrialized world can you find over 27 million people satisfied with symbolic wealth and economic crumbs?

Yet every African-American leader of note has failed to address these issues to any meaningful degree. To further complicate matters, Federal, State, and Local governments are showing increasing signs of foot dragging on "Affirmative Action Programs". Since most high profile African-Americans got their positions because of "EE0C Guidelines", further relaxation could devastate the middle class financially.

Foreign investors are gaining increasing power and influence as America's trade and balance of payment deficits worsen. This development along with millions of illegal immigrants could mean EEOC is on the way out or severely curtailed. With all these realities and more staring African-Americans in the face, African-American leaders do not stick their heads in the sand like the Ostrich to hide from danger, they would rather hide between the pages of the King James Bible. African-American churches are bursting at the seams with name-it-and-claim-it Christians.

Many African-American church leaders seem bent on teaching their congregations to replace reason with emotion, true knowledge with mysticism and substitute salvation for science. It seems the direction the African-American leadership has taken their people is to nowhere, toward nothing and away from their true selves and their true destiny as a people. Being "Saved" in African-America denotes inefficiency, backwardness, intellectual stagnation, non-productvity and scientific ignorance. Is this the future Dr. Martin Luther King envisioned for America and his people? Hardly...

Maybe it is time African-Americans distance themselves from their current leaders and uplift themselves, enlightened themselves, discover their true selves and do for themselves without the Jessie Jacksons, Al Sharptons, James Clyburns, Harold Fords and Barack Obamas. Current African-American leaders are seemingly insisting on leading their people toward economic servitude and social deterioration and not toward growth, self development and life.

Part I: Is The African-American Community A Victim Of Failed Leadership?

I can see it now, the Reverends Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are outraged that someone has the nerve to call them inept. There might be even be a backlash from various publics.

Civil rights advocates and the far left liberal wing of the Democratic Party might boycott Google.
If we can criticize our Presidents and our national leaders, surely we can examine the track record of those individuals that have been identified by media sources and our political parties as leaders in various communities without being fearful of reprisals or being labeled a racist.

Before we can begin to understand how African-American leaders have failed their people, it will be necessary to define what is meant by lead, to which people I am referring and to what goal or goals they should have been led toward. Lead means to show the way, by going along with or in front of or to guide. From this definition, we can deduce that a leader is someone, who has taken the responsibility to show people the way or guide.

Whether this person has been selected, elected by a democratic process or has simply stepped forward is not the purpose of this article. The purpose of this article is to examine the track record of those individuals who are always claiming to be African-American leaders. The people to which I am referring are the descendents of African peoples and their progeny currently living in the United States of America.

Before we can begin to understand the tragic results of this inept leadership, we must understand what is a leader's purpose and function. Once these attributes are clearly defined, we must then ask ourselves what do we want to be led away from or toward? Leadership by it's very nature must be in some direction or toward the accomplishment of some thing or purpose.

That some thing followers are being led toward must be clearly defined and simply stated because this becomes the goal to be reached, the objective to be accomplished or the destination to arrive at. Once the goal has been defined and stated, the leader must then decide on a plan of action or set a course or direction that will reach the goal, accomplish the desired objective or get his/her followers to their destination.

Now that we understand the nature of leadership, we can ask ourselves some questions: Where has the African-American present group of leaders taken them? What have they really accomplished?...and if they have not accomplished anything, we need to know why? What has been the result of this leadership? What standard/s can we measure them by? And...how can more effective leaders be selected if the ones currently at the helm have failed? For the sake of this discussion we will limit our examination of the record from the 1960's up to now.

Since the "Civil Rights Movement" of the 1960's, the socio-economic condition of the African-American community has gone in reverse. What little gains their "so called" leaders keep referring to are relatively insignificant in nature when compared to the whole. As an ethnic group, African-Americans are steadily losing ground. Yet, their leaders keep telling them, they need more government programs, "do nothing" politicians and to return to the church to resume their quest for heavenly deification instead of earthly realization.

The message seems to be pray, instead of plan, be sanctified instead of satisfied, be thankful for programs instead of profits and accept pacification for self actualization. With this kind of intellectual guidance, it is no wonder...so many African-Americans end up in America's prison system rather than the educational system. It is no wonder that so many are fearful of going into and making their mark in the sciences and would rather pursue careers in professional entertainment and the liberal arts.

Where Has This Current Group of Leaders Taken Their People?

It is evident from the results of this short sighted and ill-conceived leadership strategy, if you can call it that, has caused the entire social, economic and psychological fabric of the African-American community to be strained almost beyond repair. By far, leadership in the African-American community is composed of ministers and people from educational institutions. For the most part, these people seem isolated, desensitized and programmed for inefficiency.

Not since Napoleon's France, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union, Mussolini's Italy, Hussein's Iraq, Kim Jong-il's North Korea, Mao Zedong's China, Idi Amin Dada's Uganda and Papa Doc's Haiti has a people been so thoroughly deceived, misinformed and misled. Such closed mindedness, apathy and ignorance by any rational group of people in America is unprecedented. Perhaps it would be better to let the facts speak for themselves. Since Civil Rights....

1. The African-American divorce rate has increased at an alarming rate. More educated African-Americans are single, separated or divorced than ever before in their history. The destruction of the family unit is the only logical result of this course of action. Ghettorized, uneducated and miseducated African-Americans are no better off than their educated counterparts. African-American men..for the most part are still blaming the "White Man", instead of themselves for their own lack of creative vision.

2. The unemployment rate has nearly tripled and still climbing. How do African-American leaders address this problem?...by calling for more ineffective government programs instead of developing workable plans.

3. More African-American teenagers are misfits, drug addicts and alienated than ever before and the outlook for the future is even worse.

4. More African-American families live in poverty, than ever before.

5. The African-American middle class is rapidly decreasing in size and may become economically extinct after current members die out. A large poorly educated lower class is being formed; from which...few new leaders will emerge. It is ironic that this is the group that fought the hardest for Civil Rights, rather than their Constitutional Rights.

6. Once thriving African-American colleges and universities might collapse if they do not receive massive infusions of state and federal aid.

7. The "Median Net Worth" of the average African-American family is at an all time low compared to "Whites" and other major ethnic groups.

8. The congregations of 99% of African-American churches are sinking deeper into religious mysticism, economic ignorance, social deterioration and increasing poverty. Yet, most of the ministers and preachers that lead these congregations live quite well.

9. The African-American intelligentsia seems more concerned with symbolic wealth, materialism and social status rather than the social and economic development of their neighborhoods and communities. They...for the most part...administer the government programs to their own people and have the unabashed audacity to call themselves the African-American middle class.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Reasons To Believe In The Proof Of GOD

Believing in GOD and proving the existence of GOD are two different actualities. The reason why no human being can prove GOD's existence scientifically is simple: Our science is not that sophisticated.

In addition, no human being is intelligent enough or smart enough for that. Our intelligence, if we can call it that, is so severely limited until it is absolutely frightening. If you have a problem believing in GOD or proving GOD's existence, let me solve this problem for you.

GOD made it easy for us to know he exist and believe in his reality. All you have to do is look around, use your own powers of observation and your mind if you have one to use. You don't have to be a rocket science to realize if there is a plan, there is a planner. If there is a design, there is a designer. If there is a thought, there is a thinker. If something is done, there is a doer. If you don't have a mind, your ignorance is excused.

The reason why so many well educated and uneducated people have a problem accepting the reality of GOD is because we, as humans, consistently confuse skill acquisition and knowledge with intelligence. What is skill acquisition? Skill acquisition is the ability to articulate ideas, concepts and precepts in language another human being can understand. It is also the ability to observe phenomenon and duplicate, to some degree, what has been observed. Skill acquisition includes the ability to investigate phenomenon and arrive at conclusions based on our ability to investigate. Many among us call this science.

Skill acquisition also includes our individual ability to fabricate things of all sorts and kinds, perform assigned functions, duties, roles, occupations, jobs, careers and a myriad of other mundane and useful activities from going to the bathroom to piloting a space shuttle. Skill acquisition is the primary component and necessary attribute of every profession humanity has developed to date.

Knowledge is know how. The average person that has been to any educational institution should, at least, know how to read, write and do basic arithmetic. Even today, there are many in our society that lack basic know how. Know how can catapult you to high levels within the social order and earn you considerable income; especially, if you can distinguish yourself from others.

Know how and skill have produced navies, armies, air forces, computer hardware and software, X-ray machines, appliances, equipment, bridges, dams, the Internet and metals and chemicals of every conceivable kind. Know how and skill have built industries, cities, instituted government and every man made thing we see and touch. In fact, our collective know how and skill have produced all the arts and sciences and the entire technological world in which we find ourselves living.

Einstein, Kepler and every great man or woman of science or philosophy we have recorded in our history books demonstrated great knowledge and skill or one or the other. Well then, if all we have is knowledge and skill, why does the academic community and government say we have intelligence? That's because the people that say that are probably no more intelligent than you are. Well then, why do leading scientist say our intelligence separates us from animals? That's because leading scientist are probably no more intelligent than you.

Intelligence has to do with the intellect or the higher powers of thinking. Since so few of us live long enough to develop this ability, 99.99% of the human population on earth are intellectual Pygmies. Because of this extremely low level of intellectual development throughout our history on earth, it is impossible for men at this point in time to prove the existence of GOD scientifically, because we do not have the intelligence; collectively or individually.

Proving GOD's existence and believing in GOD beyond science and any doubt is a very simple process. Let me illustrate how easy it is clear your mind of any doubt that evolution is an absolute lie and atheist are absolute fools. For it is written: "A fool says in his heart there is no GOD." Simply ask yourself some basic questions. Among these are:

1. Who do you know collectively or individual that is living now or has ever lived besides Jesus the Christ that....
  • Has the ability to put an entire universe in place?
  • Has the ability to hang a planet in orbit around an explosive ball of gases thousands of miles in diameter and not be incinerated by it? Plus, maintain an exact orbit for thousands of years.
  • Can create and develop gravitational forces that are so precise they can keep you on the surface of a spinning planet in space?
  • Can create life forms that reproduce after their kind exactly and maintain themselves? I have never seen pig give birth to dog.
  • Has the ability to design and develop food supplies that can sustain these life forms indefinitely? Man does not make corn grow. He plants a seed and it grows on its own.
  • Can design, create and develop all the forces that operate on this earth and throughout the entire universe with mathematical and scientific precision?
  • Put in place all the processes that allow the creation of goods and services by living beings that can actually think independently of each other?
  • Can give a living life form the ability to reason and build entire cities out of elements and raw material what was already in place?
  • Has the ability to transcend time and space and is not limited by either?
  • Has the power and ability to be an unconditional reality; totally independent of the physical reality that limits us to this planet, its food, air supply, capacities and creature requirements?

2. How much...
  • Oil has humanity put in the ground?
  • Iron ore has humanity put in the ground?
  • Coal has humanity put in the ground?
  • Water has humanity put on the earth?
  • Atmosphere has humanity ever put around this planet we live on?
The only commodities humanity has ever produced in great quantity besides himself are:
  • Pollution
  • Death
  • Destruction
  • Misery
  • Manufactured products that wear out and decay
  • Lies, deception, false philosophies and corrupt government officials
Most of this planet is still uninhabited. If you are intellectually honest with yourself; which is so hard to do for the millions afflicted with Evolutionism, you will have to admit no mere man can do that or has done that. You will also have to admit, no random process could have done it either. Well you say, nature did all that...Really? How did nature, without intelligence, do something that you can't do with intelligence even if you had it in abundance?

If humanity can accomplish every man made thing you see and touch with know how, skill and little or no real intelligence...imagine what GOD can do with the real thing? Perhaps now you understand, how easy it is to believe in GOD and prove his existence. That is; of course..if you have any real intelligence.

As stated previously, you can know and prove GOD exist by looking around you. The earth, the universe and the galaxy in which it sits is more than enough evidence. Every human being, plant and animal that has ever lived, living now or will live in the future is proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that GOD exist. The absolute best way to know and come close to GOD, is get to know him yourself. JESUS CHRIST is the way, the truth and the light, all you have to do is follow him.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Beware Of The Monsters That Hide In Your Mind

The recent massacre at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg Virginia reminded me of this poem. Our sentiments, prayers and sympathies go out to all the families that were victimized by "The Madness" that existed within the heart of this senseless killer.

Beware of the monsters
That dwell in the mind,
That grow in the shelter
Of shadows they find.

Beware of the demons
That hide from the light,
That only survive
When our spirits lose sight.
Those creatures can thrive
Where our knowledge is low;
They fill in the spaces
Of what we don’t know.

Beware of the monsters

That cause us to hate,
To strike out in anger
When we can’t relate.
For ignorance darkens
The mind and the heart,
And helps all our monsters
To tear us apart.
But learning and thinking
Will strengthen us so
We won’t be the places
Where monsters can grow.

May the peace and blessings of (YHVH) and his son Our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS the CHRIST be with all those affected by this tragedy.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Law Of Water

Recently, I ran across an article at Helium.com that piqued my interest. I went back to Helium to find the author. I want to give him credit for what you are about to read. However, after looking over thousands of articles, I could not find the author.

If you have some time go over to Helium.com and read some of the articles. you will find a wealth of information on a variety of different subjects written by hundreds of qualified authors. The excepts, I am using in this post are taken directly from the article and is not my original writing. I hope you enjoy what you are about to read. "The Law of Water."

"Birth of a Product"

"Understanding words is what we really should start to be doing
. We really need to do our homework, and start understanding words, and what they mean. If you put an S in front of words it becomes Swords. They are cutting, and can cause you great trouble. Humans are word controlled creatures. So we really need to establish what words mean. Words that are used in this world don't mean the same in a courtroom. There are two things that this planet has water, and earth."

"Consequently, there are two kinds of law. The law of the land, and the law of the water. However, we have a higher law that dominates the entire world. It's called; The Law Of The Water or, The Law Of The High Seas. The law of water is referred to as the law of money. Anytime you are doing banking you are under the law of water Maritime/ Admiralty Law. Merchant banker: the very word merchant comes from mer for the sea. As in mermaid."

"I will give you an example of how this law of the water works. No pun intended! Why is it that you have to go to court? When a ship pulls into harbour all ships are referred to as female why? Because they are carrying items for money. Let me give you an example of how this works. The ship pulls into harbour it parks at the dock. All ships have a captain. The word captain comes from a Latin word Capital meaning money. The ship is sitting in its berth or, birth. All the items coming off that ship represent money."

"Now! when you were born your mother's water broke. You came down her birth canal, and when you came out, you had to have a birth certificate. Because you are a Maritime/ Admiralty product under international law, your body is considered a Maritime/Admiralty product. Your mother delivered you. You came down your mothers birth canal. The dock has to sign your birth certificate. All banks operate under Maritime/Admiralty law. That's why we have to understand how words are used, and abused. You belong to the bank. You are the berth of a new product."

"What A Racket!"

"Tennis is played on a court; basketball is played on a court. A man will court a lady he is attracted to; but when you are in a lawsuit or in trouble, you go to a courtroom. The Judge (wearing all black) is the referee for this court. In this court, the referee or judge is sitting on a bench. The word "bench" is a Latin word for "bank" The court controls the flow of the currency. The judge is the referee between you and the bank."

"So where do we find banks? We find banks on each side of a river. These riverbanks direct the flow of the rivers current. The judge is sitting on the bench/bank to direct the flow of the currency. In both a church and a courtroom, the judge/priest will be separated from the people by a little wood fence with a brass gate. Both look down upon the people from an elevated alter or bench."

"Why do judges wear black? Saturn is the black planet. All of the elders who worshiped Saturn wore black robes. The word used in Canaanite language for Saturn is EL. How do you become an elder in this court of El? You become elected. Once you become elected, you may consider yourself one of the Elite. See how words have hidden meanings?"

"These elite men are elected because they have what it takes to keep things running. Two things that truly keep things "running" are electricity and money (or currency - current-sea). Consequently, we refer to electricity as a current. This is why we call money currency, because it is the cash flow of the elite that keeps things running. The court system is the conduit that holds it all together; directing the flow of the currency. Again, hidden meaning in words! Tennis is played on a court; the ball is hit backwards and forwards. What do we use to play this game? "A Racket""


"Ever wonder why Ministers waste money on daft projects? However, what few realize is that this word originated in or refers to the Lunar and Stellar Cults. The word Min was the common name of the moon. In fact, it is where we derive the word moon. And Ster, is really star. So when we refer to someone as a Minister, we are really saying Moon-Star. It is a title that derives from the lunar and stellar cults."

"This explains why there is a minute hand on a watch. The three hands of a watch relate to the three planet associated with time. The slow hand is the hour hand, meaning Horus, the sun. The minute hand is for Min, the moon and the swift ticking hand is for Mercury, the planet which rotates fastest of all, both round the sun and on its own orbit. This is why the figure of the god Mercury was depicted with wings on his shoes or feet. Watch out! We have a new full - moon this week. Bring garlic with you at all times. Who knows when you may run into a Moonistar ?"

"Food For Thought"

"Food prices like yeast rise yet again. How are we going to deal with that, and with increasing monthly mortgage repayments? Have we gone from being a country with too much credit on our backs, with a seemly endless supply of credit? And are we now paying the price, with a bakers dozen of basic grocery items to hot to handle?"

"The 2002 election manifesto asked, What did ten years of the Celtic Tiger' deliver?' and answered: "A housing crisis. A health service in tatters that even today is not brought up to the standard of the 1980s. Lack of funding in education. Traffic jams in every town in the country and the most under funded public transport system in Europe. Now we cant even buy our bloody weetabix for breakfast! Celtic Farce! Now we must pay the ferryman. Fianna Fil can start getting ready for the backlash from the electorate."

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Are We Americans Collectively Dumb As A Nation?

The first thing we need to do is to identify and define what we mean by dumb. Identification is necessary to establish how the word dumb is being used. From "dumb's" usage, we can determine a workable definition.

If we stick with Webster's definition, then dumb means unable to make articulate sounds, having no powers of speech and deaf. Surely, by this definition, we can emphatically state that we Americans are not collectively dumb as a nation, even though there are many American citizens that have this handicap.

Colloquially speaking, the word dumb means stupid. Stupid, according to Webster, refers to a condition of having slow or low apprehension, being dull-witted, lacking understanding or sluggish. If you are characterizing the collective state of America as a nation of stupid people, the answer is a resounding NO.

Even though there are plenty of dull knives in the drawer, a lot of elevators don't make it to top floors and there are numerous people in leaking life boats bailing water with teaspoons, America is still a nation of intelligent people. Far too often, the media portrays us as being the exact opposite.

Despite individual shortcomings, variances, levels of understanding, achievement, growth and personal development that will be found in any population group, Americans are not only intelligent, we are hardworking and basically ambitious people.

To further illustrate these points, when you ask the question," Are we [Americans] collectively dumb as a nation?" There are a series of additional questions you need to ask as well, such as, compared to what? compared to whom? compared to what standard? compared to what point in time? What aspect of our collective intelligence is being questioned? What attribute? In what capacity? Within what parameters? And...finally, from whose point of view?

If you take these subsequent questions and place them in any chronological order, you will establish a frame work to discuss this issue and gain a greater understanding as to what is or is not actually happening to a nation of people. For example: If we include compared to what? We can emphatically state that we Americans, collectively speaking, are a lot smarter than domestic animals, wild beast or insects; especially, when it comes to our ability to think, use mechanical devices, interact with others or read and process information.

However, these so-called dumb animals are far more adept at surviving in their realm of reality than any of us would be. Also, the overwhelming vast majority of animals are far more adept at using their instincts and abilities than any of us will ever be. For example: Cheetahs will out run us, Gorillas are physically stronger, Camels will outlast us in a desert and fish will last longer than any human under water. Birds can fly and frogs can hop. Bats can navigate in total darkness and even the lowly ant is far more industrious. Consequently, even when it comes to comparing us to animals, we can fall short of the mark.

If we use military capability as a benchmark, then we Americans are, collectively speaking, king of the hill. If we use scholastic achievement as a guideline then; the compared to whom, which refers to another nation or group of people, would place us in competition with Japan, England, Greenland, Europe, Russia, South Korea, Israel and host of other nations with academically astute populations. In this comparison, we might fall short, collectively speaking.

America is a great nation because the people of America, collectively speaking, have made America great. It has nothing to do with our natural resources or strategic location. At the center of our national identity is a theme of honesty, decency, truth, justice and equality for all. It is just unfortunate that in many Americans these character traits are absent are poorly developed.

We do not have to denigrate ourselves because so many Americans demonstrate their lack of common courtesy, greed, selfishness and a host of other unsavory characteristics. If you hear this from someone in the future, "we Americans are collectively dumb as a nation", simply ask the person making the statement, compared to what, to whom, etc. Then, watch his/her reaction. No, we are not collectively dumb (stupid) as a nation. The reason...we are too smart for that.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Before We Lay Claim To The Title Of World Leader

Before we start beating our chest and throwing up our arms in jubilant celebration as a World Leader, let's not forget our checkered past. Many Europeans remember what it was like to be an indentured servant or slave in this country.

They know the vast majority of African-Americans were slaves in a nation that proclaimed freedom for all. Even to this day, there are many hate groups within our borders. The world has not forgotten how we Americans also discriminated against Italians, the Irish, Chinese, Japanese and Jews. The have not forgotten our dishonesty, lies, deception, racism and murder of Native Americans. They remember our injustices against Mexico, Spain and Hawaii.

They know America is king of the hill, not because of our virtue, but because of our military industrial complex and ideological systems that cripple many nations on this planet. There are many peoples and cultures around the world that have not forgotten the injustices that led to Shay's Rebellion and the veterans march on Washington. The world knows we still have a tendency to allow rampant corruption within our city, state and federal governments.

They have not forgotten how all white juries freed murderers, rapists and failed to convict known criminals. European and other peoples on this planet know about our injustices to Native Americans and Mexico. They have not forgotten how we allowed the bombing of innocent children, the beatings, the hangings, the poor farms, the burning of the Branch Davidians and the utter brutality of Jim Crow.

European and other nations around the world have not forgotten about the Civil War, the Great Depression, the unjust imprisonment of our Japanese citizens during World War II, the discrimination and terror inflicted upon our German citizens during the same War. Many even changed their names and denied their heritage to avoid persecution. Many have not forgotten how we denied German Jews a sanctuary within our country when they were dying in Hitler's gas chambers by the millions.

There are many people around the world that remember how we treated the Mormons and the Jehovah Witnesses. Many people on this planet have not forgotten that in the land of the free and the brave, 3 Presidents have been assassinated within our borders. Great civic leaders have been gunned down in the prime of their lives. Innocent citizens have been murdered on our streets and are still being murdered by gangs, crime bosses and hoodlums.

The world remembers the tyranny of the Ku Klux Klan, the terror on the Mississippi during the Civil War, the terror of Sherman's Army during the same war and Andersonville. They know, we Americans have murdered over 40 million babies since Roe Vs Wade. The world looks upon us with bewilderment and dismay because we destroyed our own cities and industrial base. I could go on, but I am sure you get the point. We have a long way to go before we can justly claim the title of World Leader.

When Will We Get Tired Of War?

Humanity is seemingly locked in an endless struggle between opposing forces - light and dark, hot and cold, good and bad, right and wrong and war and peace. The synthesis of this struggle is peaceful co-existence.

The antithesis of this struggle is violence and destruction. When this antithesis happens, evil emerges victorious over good and war triumphs over peace. Our inability to overcome our 3 great nemeses, fear (ignorance and uncertainty), failure to communicate and failure to cooperate has lead to more wars than I care to count.

War is violence and destruction on a monumental scale. War is a savage beast that people unleash upon themselves and it devours everything and everyone in its path. Many of us labor under the illusion that war comes after years of peace, when in actuality peace comes after years of war. Unlike conflicts which can go indefinitely, the furious energy a war requires burns out quickly. The side that is losing, grows weary of the fighting, destroying and dying and sues for peace. For years this has brought an end to war as we understand it.

However, in the last 100 years, something fundamental has changed. It seems government leaders and their supporters are not tiring of the destructive reality of war, but are eagerly anticipating and looking forward to it. It has been said, "War is the sport and right of sovereigns." In our modern times, sovereigns are no longer kings and their small armies, but entire nations of millions of people.

You would think in this modern era with so much at stake and so much to lose, the last thing a nation would want to do is declare war on another. Unfortunately this has not been the case.
War has been and still is a common denominator through out history.

Even in the 20Th and 21st centuries of high technology, years of peace and tranquility are rare. In this modern era of mutually assured destruction, governments have not tired of war. Examine the record for yourself.

1900-1910: 19 wars.
1910-1920: 21 wars (Not counting WWI - the war to end all wars).
1920-1930: 22 wars.
1930-1940: 13 wars (Not counting WWII)
1940-1950: 20 wars (21 including WWII)
1950-1960: 27 wars (Including Korea)
1960-1970: 30 wars (Including Vietnam)
1970-1980: 40 wars
1980-1990: 44 wars
1990-2000: 51 wars (Including the first gulf war)
2000-2007: 10 wars (That I know of and the decade is not over)

Thanks to the Nobel Organization for the info - http://nobelprize.org/educational_games/peace/conflictmap/conflictmap.html)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Why Are So Many Americans Pill Poppers?

America is becoming a nation of pill poppers. I wonder why? It seems the pharmaceutical industry has developed a pill for all our ailments. I don't need to solve this problem for you.

The following report excerpt should explain why?

“Modern farming practices have reduced the soil’s ability to produce nutritious food.
Pesticides and fertilizers may boost a farmer’s yield, but these toxic chemicals can also destroy vital
microorganisms that break down and release minerals and other nutrients found in fertile soil.
As a result, agribusiness has stripped the average diet of essential nutrients your body requires
to maintain optimal adult health. Consumption of nutritional supplements is desperately needed
to supply the nutrients that are missing from your diet.”

This information was reported by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture to the U.S. Senate over 70 years ago, in 1936!…