In addition, no human being is intelligent enough or smart enough for that. Our intelligence, if we can call it that, is so severely limited until it is absolutely frightening. If you have a problem believing in GOD or proving GOD's existence, let me solve this problem for you.
GOD made it easy for us to know he exist and believe in his reality. All you have to do is look around, use your own powers of observation and your mind if you have one to use. You don't have to be a rocket science to realize if there is a plan, there is a planner. If there is a design, there is a designer. If there is a thought, there is a thinker. If something is done, there is a doer. If you don't have a mind, your ignorance is excused.
The reason why so many well educated and uneducated people have a problem accepting the reality of GOD is because we, as humans, consistently confuse skill acquisition and knowledge with intelligence. What is skill acquisition? Skill acquisition is the ability to articulate ideas, concepts and precepts in language another human being can understand. It is also the ability to observe phenomenon and duplicate, to some degree, what has been observed. Skill acquisition includes the ability to investigate phenomenon and arrive at conclusions based on our ability to investigate. Many among us call this science.
Skill acquisition also includes our individual ability to fabricate things of all sorts and kinds, perform assigned functions, duties, roles, occupations, jobs, careers and a myriad of other mundane and useful activities from going to the bathroom to piloting a space shuttle. Skill acquisition is the primary component and necessary attribute of every profession humanity has developed to date.
Knowledge is know how. The average person that has been to any educational institution should, at least, know how to read, write and do basic arithmetic. Even today, there are many in our society that lack basic know how. Know how can catapult you to high levels within the social order and earn you considerable income; especially, if you can distinguish yourself from others.
Know how and skill have produced navies, armies, air forces, computer hardware and software, X-ray machines, appliances, equipment, bridges, dams, the Internet and metals and chemicals of every conceivable kind. Know how and skill have built industries, cities, instituted government and every man made thing we see and touch. In fact, our collective know how and skill have produced all the arts and sciences and the entire technological world in which we find ourselves living.
Einstein, Kepler and every great man or woman of science or philosophy we have recorded in our history books demonstrated great knowledge and skill or one or the other. Well then, if all we have is knowledge and skill, why does the academic community and government say we have intelligence? That's because the people that say that are probably no more intelligent than you are. Well then, why do leading scientist say our intelligence separates us from animals? That's because leading scientist are probably no more intelligent than you.
Intelligence has to do with the intellect or the higher powers of thinking. Since so few of us live long enough to develop this ability, 99.99% of the human population on earth are intellectual Pygmies. Because of this extremely low level of intellectual development throughout our history on earth, it is impossible for men at this point in time to prove the existence of GOD scientifically, because we do not have the intelligence; collectively or individually.
Proving GOD's existence and believing in GOD beyond science and any doubt is a very simple process. Let me illustrate how easy it is clear your mind of any doubt that evolution is an absolute lie and atheist are absolute fools. For it is written: "A fool says in his heart there is no GOD." Simply ask yourself some basic questions. Among these are:
1. Who do you know collectively or individual that is living now or has ever lived besides Jesus the Christ that....
- Has the ability to put an entire universe in place?
- Has the ability to hang a planet in orbit around an explosive ball of gases thousands of miles in diameter and not be incinerated by it? Plus, maintain an exact orbit for thousands of years.
- Can create and develop gravitational forces that are so precise they can keep you on the surface of a spinning planet in space?
- Can create life forms that reproduce after their kind exactly and maintain themselves? I have never seen pig give birth to dog.
- Has the ability to design and develop food supplies that can sustain these life forms indefinitely? Man does not make corn grow. He plants a seed and it grows on its own.
- Can design, create and develop all the forces that operate on this earth and throughout the entire universe with mathematical and scientific precision?
- Put in place all the processes that allow the creation of goods and services by living beings that can actually think independently of each other?
- Can give a living life form the ability to reason and build entire cities out of elements and raw material what was already in place?
- Has the ability to transcend time and space and is not limited by either?
- Has the power and ability to be an unconditional reality; totally independent of the physical reality that limits us to this planet, its food, air supply, capacities and creature requirements?
2. How much...
- Oil has humanity put in the ground?
- Iron ore has humanity put in the ground?
- Coal has humanity put in the ground?
- Water has humanity put on the earth?
- Atmosphere has humanity ever put around this planet we live on?
- Pollution
- Death
- Destruction
- Misery
- Manufactured products that wear out and decay
- Lies, deception, false philosophies and corrupt government officials
If humanity can accomplish every man made thing you see and touch with know how, skill and little or no real intelligence...imagine what GOD can do with the real thing? Perhaps now you understand, how easy it is to believe in GOD and prove his existence. That is; of course..if you have any real intelligence.
As stated previously, you can know and prove GOD exist by looking around you. The earth, the universe and the galaxy in which it sits is more than enough evidence. Every human being, plant and animal that has ever lived, living now or will live in the future is proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that GOD exist. The absolute best way to know and come close to GOD, is get to know him yourself. JESUS CHRIST is the way, the truth and the light, all you have to do is follow him.
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