If you have some time go over to Helium.com and read some of the articles. you will find a wealth of information on a variety of different subjects written by hundreds of qualified authors. The excepts, I am using in this post are taken directly from the article and is not my original writing. I hope you enjoy what you are about to read. "The Law of Water."
"Understanding words is what we really should start to be doing. We really need to do our homework, and start understanding words, and what they mean. If you put an S in front of words it becomes Swords. They are cutting, and can cause you great trouble. Humans are word controlled creatures. So we really need to establish what words mean. Words that are used in this world don't mean the same in a courtroom. There are two things that this planet has water, and earth."
"Consequently, there are two kinds of law. The law of the land, and the law of the water. However, we have a higher law that dominates the entire world. It's called; The Law Of The Water or, The Law Of The High Seas. The law of water is referred to as the law of money. Anytime you are doing banking you are under the law of water Maritime/ Admiralty Law. Merchant banker: the very word merchant comes from mer for the sea. As in mermaid."
"I will give you an example of how this law of the water works. No pun intended! Why is it that you have to go to court? When a ship pulls into harbour all ships are referred to as female why? Because they are carrying items for money. Let me give you an example of how this works. The ship pulls into harbour it parks at the dock. All ships have a captain. The word captain comes from a Latin word Capital meaning money. The ship is sitting in its berth or, birth. All the items coming off that ship represent money."
"Now! when you were born your mother's water broke. You came down her birth canal, and when you came out, you had to have a birth certificate. Because you are a Maritime/ Admiralty product under international law, your body is considered a Maritime/Admiralty product. Your mother delivered you. You came down your mothers birth canal. The dock has to sign your birth certificate. All banks operate under Maritime/Admiralty law. That's why we have to understand how words are used, and abused. You belong to the bank. You are the berth of a new product."
"What A Racket!"
"Tennis is played on a court; basketball is played on a court. A man will court a lady he is attracted to; but when you are in a lawsuit or in trouble, you go to a courtroom. The Judge (wearing all black) is the referee for this court. In this court, the referee or judge is sitting on a bench. The word "bench" is a Latin word for "bank" The court controls the flow of the currency. The judge is the referee between you and the bank."
"So where do we find banks? We find banks on each side of a river. These riverbanks direct the flow of the rivers current. The judge is sitting on the bench/bank to direct the flow of the currency. In both a church and a courtroom, the judge/priest will be separated from the people by a little wood fence with a brass gate. Both look down upon the people from an elevated alter or bench."
"Why do judges wear black? Saturn is the black planet. All of the elders who worshiped Saturn wore black robes. The word used in Canaanite language for Saturn is EL. How do you become an elder in this court of El? You become elected. Once you become elected, you may consider yourself one of the Elite. See how words have hidden meanings?"
"These elite men are elected because they have what it takes to keep things running. Two things that truly keep things "running" are electricity and money (or currency - current-sea). Consequently, we refer to electricity as a current. This is why we call money currency, because it is the cash flow of the elite that keeps things running. The court system is the conduit that holds it all together; directing the flow of the currency. Again, hidden meaning in words! Tennis is played on a court; the ball is hit backwards and forwards. What do we use to play this game? "A Racket""
"Ever wonder why Ministers waste money on daft projects? However, what few realize is that this word originated in or refers to the Lunar and Stellar Cults. The word Min was the common name of the moon. In fact, it is where we derive the word moon. And Ster, is really star. So when we refer to someone as a Minister, we are really saying Moon-Star. It is a title that derives from the lunar and stellar cults."
"This explains why there is a minute hand on a watch. The three hands of a watch relate to the three planet associated with time. The slow hand is the hour hand, meaning Horus, the sun. The minute hand is for Min, the moon and the swift ticking hand is for Mercury, the planet which rotates fastest of all, both round the sun and on its own orbit. This is why the figure of the god Mercury was depicted with wings on his shoes or feet. Watch out! We have a new full - moon this week. Bring garlic with you at all times. Who knows when you may run into a Moonistar ?"
"Food For Thought"
"Food prices like yeast rise yet again. How are we going to deal with that, and with increasing monthly mortgage repayments? Have we gone from being a country with too much credit on our backs, with a seemly endless supply of credit? And are we now paying the price, with a bakers dozen of basic grocery items to hot to handle?"
"The 2002 election manifesto asked, What did ten years of the Celtic Tiger' deliver?' and answered: "A housing crisis. A health service in tatters that even today is not brought up to the standard of the 1980s. Lack of funding in education. Traffic jams in every town in the country and the most under funded public transport system in Europe. Now we cant even buy our bloody weetabix for breakfast! Celtic Farce! Now we must pay the ferryman. Fianna Fil can start getting ready for the backlash from the electorate."
1 comment:
I think this is mostly, if not all derived from Jordan Maxwell.
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