Consequently, America needs a new battle plan that brings every conservative and/or moderate organization, PAC, Group and individual/s under one roof, with better funding, strategy, tactics and execution. What was lost by the vote must be regained by the vote.
November is not that far away. It is time we move to the next level. Consequently, all of us that want to save our country need to start working now to put the systems in place for upcoming elections block by block, street by street, district by district. For the short and long term, I propose the following independent organizations.
There are millions of Americans that want to save this country that are not overly enthused with any political party, the Tea Party Movement or any politically oriented group; but, these same people will gladly pay the $5.00 or $10.00 a month to save our country. Conservative means not liberal.
Therefore, the appeal will be broad and the word - Conservative - will automatically mean the money will be well spent and accounted for. Action means something will be done and millions of Americans want something done that will not jeopardize their livelihood, safety and security, cause too much pain and/or suffering or endanger the security of the entire nation.
First - The Conservative Action Fund To Save America (CAFTSA)
In some areas we can move more to the right of center or more to center, whichever the case may be. In 2004, according to statistics, there were approximately 55 million registered Republicans in the United States. If each one, and that includes me, gave $5.00 or $10.00 a month, that's 55 million x 5.00 = $275,000,000 a month. 55,000,000 x $10 = $550,000,000 a month.
Our goal should be a monthly contribution from every Conservative starting at $5.00 to this fund. This would be a "War Chest" of 3.3 billion annually at the low end to 6.6 billion at the high end. And this does not include donations and contributions each candidate, group and/or organization can raise on his/her/their own.
Effective funding eliminates the need to constantly raise money every election year and beat the bushes for nickels and dimes. Plus, it gives the entire Conservative movement the financial capacity to respond immediately to misinformation from the opposition. In addition, it limits exposure to special interest politicking and influence. Any influence peddling that does not benefit our cities and towns, our business communities, institutions and the American people is not influence, it's thievery. This fund will also allow the Conservative movement to have the best candidates for every elected office.
Let's turn our anger into the infrastructure that will be necessary to mount a multi-faceted and long term battle plan to save our country. We can accomplish this with strong, intelligent and thoughtful leadership and an unwavering commitment to excellence. If we sincerely want change and victory, let's start organizing ourselves to pay for it.
If these idea have merit, find the leaders of each existing group and lets start working on the necessary paperwork, procedures and policies immediately. Make sure online payment services like PayPal and AlertPay are included. This fund will maximize flexibility, increase overall effectiveness and will allow the movement to always have the best possible candidates for public office at every level of government, as well as leaders and administrators for government agencies, ambassadorships and appointed local, state and/or federal positions.
By doing this, we can effectively establish the principles by which we govern ourselves, not just the laws that regulate our activities as citizens. We do not have to alter our Constitution, just live by it. And if we must grow to meet the challenges ahead, the amendment process is always available for us to use.
Second - The Conservative Center For Strategic and Tactical Political Action (SATPA for shorthand)
In order to lessen the impact of the mainstream media which is hopelessly biased and level the playing field, I propose the Conservative Center For Strategic and Tactical Political Action (SATPA). This center will develop political strategies for local and state elections, coordinate activities and develop the appropriate response to any ad campaign initiated by the opposition.
Every talking point by the opposition should be countered within 24 hours or less. The men and women at SATPA will be the absolute best political thinkers and strategist we can find. SATPA will be able to coordinate activities, move human resources, material, supplies and/or necessary logistical support wherever and whenever it is needed.
This center will help any local, statewide and/or national political campaign with tactical and strategic planning. Any conservative or moderate group, including the the Republican Party will be able to come to SATPA for help with planning, developing and implementing not only political campaigns, but also, public relations, effective presentation, education, training and a host of other activities, knowledge and skill that will be necessary to move America back to Right of Center. In order to win and continue winning, we are going to need workable, smart and cost effective solutions and alternatives to our collective problems as Americans and to decisively counter the Democratic Agenda.
Third - The Comprehensive Conservative Information Network (CCIN)
In order to organize ourselves more effectively, I propose the Comprehensive Conservative Information Network (CCIN). This online network will bring every conservative group and individual to one location as long they believe in the Sanctity of Life, Constitutional Law, Fiscal Responsibility and Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for All Americans. The CCIN will be organized in such a way so that every group and any person can link to any conservative organization from a central location and at every conceivable level.
CCIN can also be a clearing house for information relative to locally elected officials and local, statewide and national issues. Somebody somewhere will know something and if no one knows, then we find out. Having a central online location will save us time and money, improve communications, efficiency, proficiency and provide real time online tracking information for every election, regardless of the city or state. Funding for all of this will come from CAFTSA.
These are just a few ideas. Together we can find better ideas or improve upon what we already have and what we are already doing. Remember: Conservatives and Republicans are fair game in America right now. Therefore, we must always, always conduct ourselves with the highest possible ethical, moral and personal standards. We do not have to denigrate, smear or sling mud at anyone. We stay on message. Stay committed and stay focused on achieving our objective, i.e., victory after victory in 2010.
CCIN can also be a clearing house for information relative to locally elected officials and local, statewide and national issues. Somebody somewhere will know something and if no one knows, then we find out. Having a central online location will save us time and money, improve communications, efficiency, proficiency and provide real time online tracking information for every election, regardless of the city or state. Funding for all of this will come from CAFTSA.
These are just a few ideas. Together we can find better ideas or improve upon what we already have and what we are already doing. Remember: Conservatives and Republicans are fair game in America right now. Therefore, we must always, always conduct ourselves with the highest possible ethical, moral and personal standards. We do not have to denigrate, smear or sling mud at anyone. We stay on message. Stay committed and stay focused on achieving our objective, i.e., victory after victory in 2010.
In order to win and swing this entire nation back to right of center, we need more than rhetoric, slogans and a collective dislike for certain points of view when it comes to public expenditures, taxation and government sponsored programs, policies, regulations and/or subsidies. Consequently, as a movement, our goal should be and must be which philosophy best serves the interest of the nation, the states, our institutions, businesses, communities and the people. All of this must be done within the confines of the existing Constitution, the existing body of law, the existing regulatory requirements and our existing obligations and mandates as a national governing body. And... done in a fiscally responsible way.
This is why it is imperative that we articulate a better governing philosophy that can deal with all the problems we face as a nation and still address the needs that are briefly covered in the preceding paragraph. Without this overriding governing philosophy that can deal with our collective problems, we might win in 2010, only to lose it all in the following elections. Hence, in order to win and continue winning, we are going to need workable, smart and cost effective solutions and alternatives to our collective problems as Americans.
The issues that face America are not Conservative, Socialist or Liberal issues, Northern, Southern, Western or Eastern, these are American issues and to some extent, regional and international issues. Therefore, the group and/or candidate that best articulates America's issues, whether at the local, state or federal level and outlines a workable strategy that binds the nation and its people together to solve America's problems with sound, well thought out policies and a comprehensive vision will win and keep on winning.
If we must get into the gutter, let's do it with style, intelligence and class. Our weapons, astounding facts, undeniable truth and verifiable proof presented with persuasive, logical, emotional and thoughtful arguments. Winning is not enough in 2010, our goal should be and must be overwhelming or significant victories. We must not falter in this endeavor. The future of our children and our nation is at stake.
This is why it is imperative that we articulate a better governing philosophy that can deal with all the problems we face as a nation and still address the needs that are briefly covered in the preceding paragraph. Without this overriding governing philosophy that can deal with our collective problems, we might win in 2010, only to lose it all in the following elections. Hence, in order to win and continue winning, we are going to need workable, smart and cost effective solutions and alternatives to our collective problems as Americans.
The issues that face America are not Conservative, Socialist or Liberal issues, Northern, Southern, Western or Eastern, these are American issues and to some extent, regional and international issues. Therefore, the group and/or candidate that best articulates America's issues, whether at the local, state or federal level and outlines a workable strategy that binds the nation and its people together to solve America's problems with sound, well thought out policies and a comprehensive vision will win and keep on winning.
If we must get into the gutter, let's do it with style, intelligence and class. Our weapons, astounding facts, undeniable truth and verifiable proof presented with persuasive, logical, emotional and thoughtful arguments. Winning is not enough in 2010, our goal should be and must be overwhelming or significant victories. We must not falter in this endeavor. The future of our children and our nation is at stake.
1 comment:
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