James Clyburn is a fixture in the African American community and his popularity will not be diminished by his voting record or reckless speeches or statements. Clyburn, like many in the Democratic Party, are people and political figures conservatives will have to learn to live with and deal with because of the districts they come from and the mindset of the people that elected them to office.
The best way to reduce these people effectiveness; as well as the Democratic Party as an organization is to vote the majority of these people out of office where we can and never let them return. At least, until Christ comes, then it would not matter.
However, conservatives must be careful not to let their disdain, distrust, dissatisfaction, emotionalism and dislike for liberalism or this health care legislation cloud their judgment. In short, do not do anything violent or stupid. This is a political debate conservatives can win, if executed in an intelligent manner. The first thing conservatives need to do is educate themselves as to the political tactics and philosophy of the Democratic Party, Progressives and their supporters.
Remember: Millions followed and supported Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Papa Doc and every other demagogue and tyrant this planet has produced. Consequently, you can find supporters for almost any half-baked idea political parties or leaders can produce. However, if it comes to the lesser of two evils, I would personally choose Conservatives and Republicans every time.
Democrats have bankrupted social security and almost every state and city they control politically. It has been the policies and programs of the Democratic Party that have led to our current economic crisis, the immigration crisis, the education crisis, our moral crisis and our dependence on foreign oil. Let us not forget it is the Democratic Party that started class warfare in America.
It was northern Democrats that gave America defacto segregation and the modern African American and Hispanic Ghettoes. Southern Democrats gave America Poll Taxes, Jim Crow Laws, the Klu Klux Klan and lynched over 2,000 people "White" and "Black" because of their political views. The Klan was created by Democrats to silence and intimidate Republicans. Progressives and the far left have murdered millions of people in countries all over the world. Communism, Marxism, Socialism and Fascism are all philosophies deeply ingrained to the left of the political spectrum. Consequently, the viciousness you see on the left is not new.
Conservatives gave the world and America, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the Age of Enlightenment, the concept of government by and for the people, public education, hospitals, the sciences, help for the poor and the Underground Railroad. The Republican Party literally saved the Union under Lincoln, freed the slaves, ended slavery and laid the foundation for our modern Free Enterprise System by emphasizing non-intrusive government, fiscal responsibility and greater economic freedom.
Folks keep forgetting, without Republicans, African Americans would not have Civil Rights. In addition, minorities always prosper under Republican administrations and were solid Republicans until the New Deal. Booker T. Washington led the Black Conservative Movement. Those in the Tea Party that rail against Republicans because of the financial indiscretions of the Bush administration need to re-read their history.
Folks keep forgetting, without Republicans, African Americans would not have Civil Rights. In addition, minorities always prosper under Republican administrations and were solid Republicans until the New Deal. Booker T. Washington led the Black Conservative Movement. Those in the Tea Party that rail against Republicans because of the financial indiscretions of the Bush administration need to re-read their history.
The Bush Doctrine did keep Islamic Extremist off balance after 9/11/2001 and his Doctrine effectively ended the financing of suicide bomb attacks on Israel that were being funded openly by Saddam Hussein. If Bush had not acted, Israel would have... and we all know how explosive that would have been. There are no perfect politicians just like there are no perfect Americans. We all have our shortcomings.
The economic stability America has enjoyed since the end of World War II can be directly traced to bi-partisan participation and not the tyranny of any one political party. Therefore, it is critical, if not imperative for conservatives to begin understanding the underlying philosophy that drives the political left, Progressives and their supporters in order to counter this philosophy and mindset effectively. Right now, conservatives are not doing a good job, otherwise the situation America is facing and experiencing would not exist.
The economic stability America has enjoyed since the end of World War II can be directly traced to bi-partisan participation and not the tyranny of any one political party. Therefore, it is critical, if not imperative for conservatives to begin understanding the underlying philosophy that drives the political left, Progressives and their supporters in order to counter this philosophy and mindset effectively. Right now, conservatives are not doing a good job, otherwise the situation America is facing and experiencing would not exist.
Perhaps it is possible to take advantage of a genuine opportunity, to slow down, stop and even begin the slow and arduous process of reversing America's moral and economic decline. Every American is at a defining moment in World history. Either we will have continued economic, social, political and institutional stability or eventual chaos, financial collapse and ruination.
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