Saturday, March 31, 2007

A True Religion Is Better Than A Philosophy

Having a religious belief based on the teachings and the words of a true and living GOD (YHVH) is far better than having a philosophy created by men and women just like you and me.

Why? Because 9 times out 10 these "self styled" or so called" philosophers are no better than you or me. These people are driven by their egos and their narrow and limited understanding of life, reality and actuality. Why narrow and limited? They, like you and me, do not live long enough. The best they can produce is a belief system that is followed by individuals that are weak and narrow minded themselves.

This happens frequently because the overwhelming majority of people on planet earth do not know the difference between a belief system and a true religion. Belief systems are not religions at all. They are merely the philosophies and traditions of men and women masquerading as a religion. These belief systems are given credibility by intellectuals and the academic community because of perceived similarities, not real similarities.

However, before we begin this discussion, let's define religion and use a standard definition that has been accepted by scholars around the world as an accurate understanding. A religion is a belief binding the spiritual nature of man or a woman to a super natural being that has the power to create other super natural beings and self sustaining life forms and involves a feeling of dependence and responsibility, together with the feelings and practices which naturally flow from such a belief.

By this definition, Confucianism is not a religion. It follows the teachings of Confucius a natural man, born of woman and later died. The same is true for Taoism, Shintoism, Buddhism, Hinduism (based on the Vedic writings and philosophies), spiritualism of all kinds are philosophies and so is Zoroastrianism.

Islam is based on the revelations of an angel (Gabriel) to a man (Muhammad Mohamet), born of woman and died. Muslims believe Allah (God), via an angel (Gabriel), delivered these messages (the Quran/Koran) to Muhammad. Muhammad himself never claimed or professed that he received revelations from any other source other than the angel Gabriel.

Even though angels are super natural beings, they can not create other beings or self sustaining life forms. Therefore, Gabrielism is a philosophy. However, it does not exist as such. What exist is Islam. Since Angels are messengers of GOD (YHVH), the GOD of the Jews and Christians, Islam for all practical purposes is a derivative of Judaism, though no true confessing Muslim will ever admit this fact. If Islam divorces itself from Judaism, which it has, it is automatically reduced to a philosophy.

Mormonism is based on the teachings of Moroni a prophet that was reportedly sent as a messenger by God to Joseph Smith, another man born of woman and was later killed. Mormonism by definition is not a religion. Moroni was a man, born of woman and died. Mormonism is basically a philosophy that is a derivative or a sect of Christianity.

Likewise, Satanism, is tied to an angel, a super natural being that can not create other super natural beings or self sustaining life forms. By definition - Satanism is a philosophy. Therefore, in a contest of Satanism vs Judeo-Christianity, one can clearly and emphatically state Judeo-Christianity is better than Satanism.

There is only one religion on earth that reports and claims that its revelations and teachings come directly from GOD, and that is Judaism and Christianity. We might as well say Judeo-Christianity because they are truly one and the same. So when one says one's religion is better than a philosophy there is truth in this statement.

By definition there is only one true religion on earth and that is Judeo-Christianity. The reason: Angels are created super natural entities that did not create themselves, nor can they create other super natural beings or self sustaining life forms. Even Satan is a fallen angel.

Even though the Vedic writings make numerous references to super natural entities, nowhere in any of the writings do the authors state they were divinely inspired by GOD. Therefore, the only logical conclusion one can reach is: All the nations on earth and all the people on earth have been beneficiaries of only one true religion and that religion is Judeo-Christianity. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. Since there is only one true religion, it is, by default, better than any one's philosophy.

Basically, when we engage in religious discussions, we are not discussing religions. We are actually discussing systems of beliefs. A system of beliefs can be about anything or started by anyone, and in this discussion, one can legitimately call into question, whether or not one is better or more beneficial than another.

However, a true religion can only be created by a GOD. On this planet that GOD is (YHVH). YHWH, Yahweh, Yahveh and Jehovah are accepted translations. Anything else is a belief system started and perpetuated by men and women and those that follow them. In fact, true Judaism and true Christianity are really not religions. Men have turned them into religions.

True Judaism and true Christianity are messages that tell the world about a righteous government and a righteous kingdom rule by GOD himself. In fact, Jesus the Messiah, the Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing came to earth to begin the process of re-establishing GOD's Kingdom not to start a religion. Hence; the Messianic Message..Repent, because the Kingdom of GOD is at hand.

The Immigration Controversy

According to whose statistics you believe, we have 8-12 million people within our borders that are very capable of helping us, hurting us or killing us and we have no idea who they are.

Let's not get sidetracked. America does not have a controversy over immigration. The vast majority of Americans have a problem with illegal immigration. Undocumented immigrants and uncontrolled illegal entry into our country hurt our economy, institutions and services.

Let's go by the numbers, according a published report in the L.A.Times....

1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County ( L.A. County has 10.2 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L.A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish.
and let's add from other sources....
11. Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.
12. Over 70% of the United States' annual population growth (and over 90% of California's , Florida's , and New York's ) is from immigration.

Undocumented immigrants also hurt themselves by being outside of our legal system. They rob themselves and their children of respectability. Let me solve this problem for you. Either enforce our laws or repeal them. If our lawmakers repeal them, then open the floodgates and let everyone in (terrorist included). If our legal and law enforcement agencies are going to enforce the law, then do what the law requires. This is very simple and very uncomplicated.

Once the law has been adhered to, we can discuss in an intelligent and forthright manner any extenuating circumstances impacting future citizenship. Not before. This is the essence of true justice. If illegal aliens were sincere in their intentions, they would confess their crime of illegal entry and throw themselves on the mercy and justice of the American people. I'm certain they would find sympathizers.

Such an act would demonstrate sincerity of purpose and a willingness to honor our laws and respect our institutions. In the absence of contrition, regardless of how innocent an undocumented individual's actions and activities may be, we must conclude that they willfully and knowingly choose to ignore our laws and thus disrespect us all. How can an undocumented individual enter our home (country) uninvited, violate our trust, trample the very essence of our sovereignty and then expect us, as a nation, to ignore their abuses and call them friends?

Trust must be earned not given, therefore, how can we ever trust them without just and verifiable acts? If undocumented aliens sincerely wanted our trust and friendship, they would have done the right thing. Even the 9/11 hijackers did that. To my knowledge, before 9/11/2001 not one hijacker committed a crime, major or minor and entered our country legally.

Situational ethics is a dangerous intellectual game. If earning money is our only criteria for citizenship and legality, then every cut throat, thief, murderer, con artist, drug lord, crime boss, corrupt politician and drug smuggler that earns money is a model citizen. Surely, you nor I want this level of depravity for ourselves, our nation, our society, or for our children. Undocumented individuals must do the right thing by coming forward, leaving voluntarily or we must find them and deport them because we can not play that dangerous game of situational ethics

How Can You Know GOD Exist?

How does anyone know GOD exist? The mere fact that you have a concept and/or realization of GOD or an all powerful entity or force called GOD is proof of the existence of GOD or that force or entity called GOD.

Why? Because it is impossible to think or believe in something that you do not know. The primary reason why so many people have a problem with understanding and accepting the reality of GOD is because they have a mind that has the ability to ask a question.

If GOD is...then, why? If GOD is not...then, how come? Seeking answers to questions from an inquiring mind is a daunting task; especially when that mind demands instant proof. Let's follow this line of reasoning to its ultimate conclusion. What human being do you know....

1. Has the ability to put an entire universe in place?
2. Has the ability to hang a planet in orbit around an explosive ball of gases thousands of miles in diameter and not be incinerated by it?
3. Can create and develop gravitational forces that are so precise they can keep you on the surface of a spinning planet in space?
4. Can create life forms that reproduce exactly and maintain themselves?
5. Has the ability to design and develop food supplies that can sustain these life forms indefinitely?
6. Can design, create and develop all the forces that operate on this earth and throughout the entire universe with mathematical and scientific precision?
7. Put in place all the processes that allow the creation of goods and services by living beings that can actually think independently of each other?
8. Can give a living life form the ability to reason and build entire cities out what was already in place?
9. Has the ability to transcend time and space and is not limited by either?

This is enough. The answer to all these questions is exactly same. You nor I can think of any human being that has ever lived on this planet or born of woman or in a test tube that has or will have any of these abilities. The fact of the matter is human beings hate the fact that we are limited and finite beings. We basically want to have everything our minds can imagine and live forever without problems, heartache, despair, pain, frustrations, war, sickness, death, disease, destruction, famines, turbulent natural environments, hopelessness or a host of other human circumstances, situations and/or conditions.

If we are to believe those among us that have developed some skills in the sciences, then, all our collective intelligence has managed to create after thousands of years of existence is asome buildings, ships, highways, some clever machines and the ability to destroy ourselves. We have managed to create a class of intellectual derelicts that really believe they are on to something big when they can say, "there is no GOD." What fools!! For it is written: "The fool says in his heart, there is no GOD."

GOD is because He says that He is. End of discussion case closed. Your limited understanding of GOD and the knowledge he possesses is irrelevant in this discussion. Mankind collectively has had a problem with GOD, because he refuses to treat us like babies. He fully expects us to grow up, realize his presence in the this universe we live in, and use what little intelligence he has given us.

This incessant whining about GOD and his ultimate purpose for our lives on this planet is no more or less than the infantile ravings of a spoiled child. Just because we aren't zapped with a lightning bolt for our stupid decisions, ideals, ideas and idiotic notions does not mean he is not there or does not care. He told us what to do to have sane, decent and progressive societies and we, collectively have refused to follow his dictates and now reap what we, collectively, have sown.

There is no need to ask the question what GOD or whose GOD? The answer to this question, to the dismay of Muslims, Shintoist, Taoist, Buddhist, Hinduist and whatever else people have decided to believe in, is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Now, how do you know this without question or doubt in that gray matter you happen to call a brain?

This GOD and the people that believe in this GOD have established the principles for the vast majority of the technology you are using. This GOD and the people that believe in this GOD have created the modern world you live in. I challenge anyone, in any place and at any time to disprove this statement. Give me your best shot.

If you are not an intellectual derelict, lay this question to rest once and for all. How do you know GOD exist?...because you and every human being that has ever lived or will live is absolute and undeniable proof.

Empowerment Through Self Discovery

Self discovery is the only process by which human beings can educated themselves, understand themselves, grow spiritually and intellectually and empower themselves. Why is this so vitally important?

It is vitally important because unless an individual knows who he/she really is, he/she is a stranger to himself/herself. Unless a person knows his/her talents and abilities he/she is forever crippled as a human being and subject to the whims and dictates of others.

Self discovery is a process that begins and ends with you. This process, in its simplest form, is the means by which you grow and develop intellectually and spiritually. The physical you grows on its own. All you basically have to do is feed it and properly take of it. The manner, means and method by which the physical aspect of our being grows is normally beyond our conscious control.

Consequently, the only aspects of your being over which you can exercise control is your spiritual and intellectual self. Self discovery will help you identify, characterize, organize and effectively utilize what you have learned and will continue to learn about yourself and the environment in which you live. This is the essence of personal growth and development and it is the only means by which you can rise to higher levels of conscious awareness.

Empowerment like everything else on our planet is a process. It begins by acquiring knowledge that grows into understanding and matures into wisdom. Wisdom is the practical application and use of knowledge and understanding in ways that benefit you and others.

It has been said, "knowledge is power". If this is true, then the more knowledge an individual has or acquires, the more powerful that individual becomes relative to others in his/her immediate environment and the more confidence that individual will have in himself/herself. The personal empowerment process is best initiated by engaging in self discovery. Having confidence in yourself encourages others to have confidence in you and your abilities.

Self discovery and self empowerment are important for other reasons as well. The most important being having the ability to examine your mindset on an ongoing basis. The reason why so many people are crippled psychologically is because they never examined the knowledge they carry around in their heads or how they got that knowledge.

Millions have never initiated the self discovery process that will help them live more productively. If you don't have the right mindset, it is much more difficult, if not impossible, to live productively and successfully with boundless joy and happiness.

The only people that don't have to worry about their mindset are professional athletes and entertainers that work alone. They can survive on their honed skills and natural talents, and the world will pay a premium to be entertained by them.

The rest of us need to have the correct mindset and continually improve the way we think, what we think, how we think and our decision-making process. Using your mind properly is the only known method to achieving your personal goals, whatever they may be.

Do you know what your mindset is? Do you know what is the absolute best mind-set to have? Personal discovery will lead you to these answers and every answer you seek in any and all your endeavors. For a deeper understanding of the importance of having the right mindset go to Independent Marketing Group's Information Warehouse.

Faith Vs Reason

No concept or precept is more misunderstood than faith. Faith can survive without reason, but it is impossible for reason to survive without faith. Every decision an individual makes is based on faith.

What confuses the uninformed is this notion that faith is best expressed or explained within a religious or spiritual context. Why should any intelligent person celebrate a man or woman of reason, when reason, itself, is an expression of faith?

Faith, in it's simplest form, is no more or less than a belief in an outcome. Reason, in its simplest form, is no more or less than the belief in one's ability to exercise sound judgment and make good decisions. Is this or is this not an outcome? Even the absence of reason and rationality is an expression of negative unproductive faith.

What we should be celebrating is the triumph of faith over our individual and collective doubts and fears. Everything men and women do is an expression of faith not reason or rationality. The more educated or learned an individual becomes the more he/she believes he/she is acting with reason and not faith, when the opposite is true.

"Come let us reason together." The famous words of the Apostle Paul. How can any person use his or reason if he or she has no faith? Paul was intelligent enough to realize people everywhere have faith in something. Once the process of reasoning is initiated, it becomes self evident, to the informed and uninformed alike, that what is being discussed is a person's faith in his/her own abilities, capacities, capabilities, talents and knowledge.

Once the process of reasoning is initiated, it also becomes self evident that a person is expressing his/her faith in his/her inability to use his/her mind and intellect. This negative unproductive faith is the fundamental reason why so many people have self inflicted psychological problems and are virtually incapable of effective living.

Everyday, and in all kinds of ways, without even realizing it, billions of people demonstrate their most basic faith of all. From birth until death and from morning until night, we express our faith in all the unwritten universal laws and principles that govern the operation of this galaxy. Billions of people have little or no knowledge of them or conscious awareness they even exist.

Everyday billions of people walk on the surface of this planet having absolute and undying faith that the earth will continue in its orbit around the sun. We also have faith that gravity will continue to hold our atmosphere in place and keep us and our water supply on the surface. Faith is the cement that holds our fragile lives together.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Colonizing America Vs Illegal Immigration

There are some advocates for illegal immigration that are now claiming American colonist were illegal immigrants. The English settlers that left their country and came to America were not illegal immigrants.

America, as a nation, did not exist at that time. This is precisely why the Puritans, Quakers, Lutherans, Calvinist and others seeking freedom from persecution came here. No European nation would allow them or anyone else to enter their country enmasse without permission. Such an act would be considered an invasion and met with military force. In addition, Protestant beliefs were not acceptable in many European communities.

The Native American nations accepted the settlers until their numbers began to grow. Let's examine the facts. It was the native Americans that began allying themselves with the settlers and colonists in their wars against each other. They had no idea what they were unleashing upon themselves. The rest is history. If the 12 largest tribes had banded together against the settlers from the very beginning, the world's history would probably be different.

The same is true for Latin America and Liberia. If the native Latin American populations had united against the Spaniards, the history of Latin America would be different. Instead tribal groups within the native population allied themselves with the settlers and colonialist in their wars against each other. They too had no idea what they were unleashing upon themselves.

Liberia suffered the same fate. It took the Native Liberians a long time to overthrow the entrenched American families and their corrupt government. Liberia is now in the process of rebuilding after their bloody uprising. They will succeed in their efforts as long as they have honest, dedicated leadership and the people work together as a nation, rather than self-serving and selfish individuals. Since huge segments of Latin America's population did not unite and rise up in the very beginning to overthrow their entrenched families and their corrupt governments, they have paid the price.

Americans united in the late 17Th century to overthrow our entrenched families and their corrupt governments. England did the same, France, Germany, Spain and the list goes on. When people fail to unite, to overthrow their tyrants, they bring devastation upon themselves.

Let's fast forward to the present. No government can exist without the support of people. The Cubans that supported Fidel Castro and his revolutionary army rose up and overthrew their corrupt government. Instead of forming a government of honest dedicated leaders, he did the opposite and Cuba has suffered every since.

Millions of Cubans welcomed him with opened arms. Many more did not rise up or demand anything, instead they fled to America and other countries and tried to conduct a clandestine campaign against him from sanctuaries.

The Russians rose up and overthrew the Czar, The Iranians rose up and overthrew the Shah, the Poles rose up and overthrew their corrupt communist government. However, unlike the Russians, the Iranians, and many nations in Latin America that replaced one corrupt government with another one that was just as corrupt, the Poles decided on honest, dedicated leadership and are now a leading country in Eastern Europe.

What makes America what it not our economy. Germany, South Korea, Israel and Japan have economies that are just as good. They are simply smaller nations. Size is not the key. Russia and Canada control much more territory. It's not our natural resources. Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Peru are also rich in natural resources. It is not our form of government. There are at least 50 Constitutional Republics with elected representatives around the world.

Religious beliefs is not the key. All of Mexico, Central and South America, India, and the Islamic Nations are far more religious. It's not our technology. Much of our consumer technology comes from Japan and China. Chinese and Russian missiles are just as effective as ours. Our culture and customs are not the keys. America, as a nation, doesn't really have a culture, customs or traditions.

In Japan's initial rise to greatness, the UN did not exist. After World War II, the vast majority of the money spent for rebuilding went to Europe, not Japan. The Japanese literally rebuilt Japan themselves . The world has given trillions to Somalia, Haiti, The Dominican Republic and the Palestinians and they are still no better off. We have spent trillions on poverty in America and our minority communities are more poverty stricken today than they were before.

What makes America, any nation, or any group of people what they are...are the people themselves. It's what the people do or do not that makes the difference. I could talk about 100 countries where people are struggling and dying rather than coming together as a group or a nation. The answer is always the same. What makes a nation great are its people and those they choose to govern them and lead them. By default, Latin America chose what is has.

Our Responsibility To Our Nation

It is not our duty or responsibility to become psychologist. Our duty and responsibility is to demand that our government enforce our immigration laws, because not enforcing them will endanger the lives of thousands.

There are no precedents in modern history that support illegal immigration into another sovereign nation. Let's assume for the purposes of this post, that all illegal immigrants in America came from Mexico. If these 12 million people had stayed in Mexico and participated in their own democratic process, they would definitely impact local and national elections. Mexico is not a poor country. It is one of the richest in the world.

Mexico, like Russia, North Korea, Most of Central America, South America, Africa, Thailand, India, and the vast majority of the remaining countries on this planet are not suffering from a lack of human resources or ways and means to generate sustainable economies..

The vast majority of these countries suffer from the lack of genuine leadership from their governments, official mismanagement, graft, corruption, greed, influence peddling, class biases, unfair laws, and a host of other ills.

America is slowly, but surely, becoming the same way. If our legislative bodies and the laws they enact are constantly being sold to the highest bidder, we will suffer the same fate and won't be able to blame anyone except ourselves. People are either intimidated by force or knowingly elect the people that govern them.

If our nation falls or succumbs to the same forces that are ravaging and destroying Mexico and other countries around the world, no nation on earth will tolerate the illegal immigration of 12 million Americans.

What Are The Great Issues Of Our Time?

I think it's about time that all our political leaders and political advocacy groups wake up and face the true actuality of our situation. The Post War Era is now officially over. What Post War Era? -- World War II.

Europe, Japan and China have re-emerged as major players in the international arena. In a few years, Russia; as a nation, will also re-emerge. The advantages America enjoyed over the rest of the nations on planet earth is gradually eroding. As more nations and peoples fully recover from the devastation of World War II, our future will become even more uncertain and the world; itself, increasingly more dangerous. The reason: There are many old debts that must settled. The settling of these old debts will impact everything we do in America.

Therefore, I caution against "Hot Button" politics and "Issue" driven reactionism. Let's briefly, ask the questions...what are the great issues of our time, nationally and internationally? Let's not do this casually, but bring the greatest minds to bear on discovering and defining these great issues. Surely, a great issue of our time is not increasing the minimum wage. This is "Hot Button" politics at its worst. It will get people to the polls to vote because this is a cheap way for the masses and political demagogues to enrich themselves.

Surely, a great issue of our time is not returning America to Conservative values. What does Conservatism mean to many Americans. It means "Jim Crow" and "Boll Weevil" politics. Corrupt political machines. Second class citizenship for ethnic minorities. TheKlu Klux Klan, Southern Baptist styled racism and gangsterism in high office. Surely, no one wants to return to this. At least I don't .

Surely, a great issue of our time is not school vouchers, Lean Manufacturing, drilling for oil in Alaska, school choice, flat tax or any of the narrowly focused views that drive American politics, which in turn is driving an entire nation of people to the very precipice of obliteration. These "so-called" issues are for the weak minded and the greedy.

The weak-minded because they are incapable of thinking beyond their own selfish needs and the greedy because any good political hack or demagogue can use these weak narrowly focused "so-called" issues to ensure his/her ascent topolitical power or maintain his/her power base. From power bases, these political hacks hand out favors that will enrich themselves at our expense.

President Bush and his current team have made one blunder after another. Republican Congressional leaders have also made one blunder after another, and the Democrats are also making one blunder after another. These blunders will eventually add up to ruination for our country. The Democrats did not win control of Congress, theRepublicans lost it. Surely, which party controls the keys to Congressional toilets is not a great issue of our time either. If this is the best our Congressional leaders can give us...then we are in trouble.

Exposing The Myth About Western Culture

It's about time our schools, colleges and universities stop teaching our children about the triumph of Western Culture. I think it is time, we stop lying to ourselves and to our children.

We are victims of our own propaganda.
The reason why Western Culture is a dominating force on planet earth has nothing to do with Western Culture, science or our natural resources and everything to do with GOD. For all you folks that have a problem with GOD, put a universe in place; then, I'll consider your point of view.

For centuries westerners went to Egypt and elsewhere to learn and understand the applied sciences. Throughout history you can read about the improbable things that happened so that one group emergedvictorious over another. Carthage should have easily defeated the Romans, but they did not. If it were not for unbelievable decisions made by Medo-Persian rulers, the Macedonians would have never defeated the Medes and the Persians.

Athens should have easily defeated the Spartans, but disease struck them down. Even Pericles did not escape this scourge. Alexander the Great died of a mysterious illness. His empire was divided among his 4 generals. Under their leadership, the empire he had conquered eventually collapsed. Egypt should be a major world power today, but it isn't. Two terrible winters in Russia destroyed two armies, the French and the Germans.

The Ottoman-Turks and the Germans should have won World War I with little difficulty, but they didn't. The Germans and the Japanese should have won World War II, but they didn't. America should have defeated the Chinese and North Koreans, but we didn't. We should have easily defeated the Vietminh and theViet Cong, but we didn't. Because of our inability to defeat these two Second World nations, things do not look good for America's long term survival as a major world power.

Throughout history are blunders that are so profound, it is hard to believe that intelligent, well educated people could have made them. I have just given you a snapshot. There are far too many incidents to mention in this blog. However, research in any public library will verify everything I have highlighted about Western Culture in general.

Let's turn to the sciences. 95% of all scientific discovers were made by Jews or Christians, by people living in countries that were friendly to Jews and Christians or dominated by Christians. Without theJudeo-Christian influence, pagan Europeans, Americans, Canadians and all other pagan peoples on planet earth would still be using 18Th century technology.

Whenever Western Culture strayed from its Judeo-Christian principles, Europe became a blood bath. In fact, true Western Culture is a 3,000 year history of betrayal, deceit, treachery, murder and destruction on massive scales. North and South America, the Far East, the Pacific Realm and the Middle East were not spared.

Remove the Judeo-Christian influence and Western Culture would be considered barbaric by any reasonable standard. Every institution from the lowest to the highest, the sciences, our societies, and everything and all things in between have been recipients and beneficiaries of theJudeo-Christain influence.

Our growth and development into something remotely resembling civilization has nothing to do with Western Culture and everything to do with the will of GOD working through the minds of men and women.

What Makes A Nation?

Whenever I hear advocates for legitimizing illegal immigration, I have to remind people of Japan, South Korea and Israel. All of these countries were poor. Japan is a nation of few natural resources.

The Japanese people have always been afraid of poverty. So afraid in fact, that they developed a work ethic that is so intense and remarkable that it propelled them from a poverty stricken nation to a world power.

Japan was a world power before and during World I and World War II and they are an economic power today. When they were poor and struggling, what international agency helped them? What UN mandate? What foreign agency loaned them money during their rise from poverty to riches?

How many Japanese are illegal immigrants anywhere in the world? I'll tell you. The answers are none, none, none and no one. The Japanese people have earned everything they have. Even in America; few, if any, Japanese are in our prisons or on the welfare rolls. Even though they were horribly discriminated against in this country, they went to war as Americans and fought and died with honor. They are and always will be one of the greatest nation of people on this planet.

Let's turn to South Korea, another great nation of people. South Korea was decimated during the communist incursion into Southeast Asia. Yet, in less than 30 years, they have managed to use all the resources they could find to raise themselves from the bottom to an economic powerhouse. Like the Japanese, there are few, if any, South Koreans in American prisons or on welfare and none, to my knowledge, are here illegally.

What did these 2 former Third World nations, that are now first world, have in commom that is severely lacking in South America, Mexico and a host of other countries? The answer in 3 words is honest, dedicated, leadership. Their governments were not corrupt, ineffective and self-serving.

Their people were committed to each other and their national goals. They worked as a nation and not as individuals. All for one and one for all. When I hear Latinos talking about their countries, I always ask them, "What did your government do to make things better?" "What did the govern do to end government corruption and abuse at the highest level"? I rarely get a straight answer. What I always get is what happened during and after the Spanish occupation.

What makes America great is not our natural resources, its our people. What makes any country great are its people. If natural resources were the key to greatness, The Soviet Union would still be here and would be the greatest and most powerful nation on this earth. The Soviet Union failed and is now a distant memory. It's not religion. Muslims are some of the most religious people on this planet and to a nation, the oil rich nations excluded, they are surviving and, in most cases, just barely.

Then, there is Israel, another great nation of people. Israel is a tiny nation that is no more than a strip of land. It is surrounded by millions of hostile Arabs. Yet this small nation of people, whose ethnicity has caused them to be butchered by the millions, is one of the richest nations on this planet. the Israeli Defense Forces are among the world's elite and its air force rivals our own. They took a barren wasteland and turned it into an oasis.

I could talk about 100 countries where people are struggling and dying rather than coming together as a nation. The answer is always the same. What makes a nation great are its people and those they choose to govern them and lead them.

What Is The Real Mesaage Of The 2006 Mid Term Elections?

While the Democrats are flexing their political muscle and the Republicans are still reeling from their defeat, the real losers in the mid-term elections of 2006 are the American People.

The U.S. House of Representatives has returned to its former theatrics and it took less than 30 days for the U.S. Senate to return to its comedy routine. There are only two real messages I can glean from the 2006 mid-term elections.

  • Message #1: The American voters put back in power the same party that flaunts its perversions, corruption, immorality, back room, back door, and deceptive legislative practices and its utter contempt for the rule of law.
Pundits, "so called" experts and Democratic operatives are telling us that we, the American people, have sent a strong message that we are upset with the Bush Administration and their supposedly mismanagement of the War on Terror.

Therefore, they are essentially telling us that we, the American people, prefer graft, corruption, perversion, immorality and a gangster operation masquerading as the Democratic Party, rather than A Republican Party of principles, values, responsible citizenship, low taxes, real leadership and effective government. Well, in theory that's how it was suppose to be.

I don't support failed Republican leadership any more than I support failed Democratic leadership. I don't care for failed leadership of any kind. These times are too dangerous and explosive for that. However, I'm not that far removed from reality to put Democrats back in control of Congress. The Democratic record in this country is not only shameful and a dismal failure, it is an absolute atrocity.

It should be as visible as the nose on your face that the Bush Administration and the Republican leadership failed all us. At least President Bush and the Republicans had the guts to stand up and try to do something about our downward spiral.

During the 6 years the Republicans controlled the House and the Senate they did manage to give Congress some level of decency.
However, that old adage is still true and few have escaped is intoxicating appeal. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Did Republicans make mistakes?...Yes. Did the Republican leadership slip into the unforgiving abyss of cover up and corruption?...Without question.

However, unlike their Democratic counterparts that are still harboring an impeached judge and a suspected criminal in the House of Representatives, elected a dead man to political office, elected a known racist and a glib griftess to the U.S. Senate and a known philanderer as President, at least the Republicans try to keep a clean house.

The Democrats have little or no concept as how to keep their political house clean. The stench from the corruption and chicanery that the Democratically controlled Congress gave us in the past still hangs over this nation like a burial shroud. But, if you stand in a pig pen long enough, you can easily adapt to its foul smell and mounds of filth.

These are not partisan attacks, they are absolute facts that any reader can verify for himself/herself. To be sure the War in Iraq is no longer popular; but the war against radical Islam is the right war at the right time. It's just in the wrong place. To be sure, the war on terror has been horribly mismanaged. But to assume the Democrats can save us from future terrorism is sheer madness.

How can modern Democrats help us win a war against radical Islam? How can they, when they have already made a mess of America. The modern Democratic Party has literally destroyed every value, concept and precept we have ever cherished as a nation.

The modern Democratic Party and its "Secular Humanist" supporters have ruined everything they have touched from education to free trade. It only stands to reason they will ruin the War on Terror and destroy us in the process.

This leads me to the second message I have gleaned from the 2006 mid-term elections. This message is far more insidious and disheartening.
  • Message #2: Vast segments of our population are becoming lawless, petty, polarized, self-serving and selfish in nature. This population group is dragging all of us down to new lows of personal depravity. You can see their influence in everything from cartoons to television commercials and all points in between. Hollywood and cable got in the cess pool years ago.
There is another adage that is well suited for our day and age and it is uniquely suited as an epithet for the 2006 mid-term elections. Every nation of people will eventually end up with a government they deserve. GOD help us all if this ever comes true in America.

What Does Al-Qaida, Ho Chi Minh and Saddam Hussein Have In Common?

What does Al-Qaida, Ho Chi Minh and Saddam Hussein have in common? They were once our allies. It seems our government leaders have managed to create a history of turning on former allies.

From the beginning of it's history, theVietnam War was a conflict that could have been avoided if government leaders in Europe had acted responsibly. In fact, all wars are avoidable if leaders acted responsibly. It was precisely because of France's suppression of the rights of the Vietnamese people that eventually bought Ho Chi Minh to power. Believe it or not, all Ho Chi Minh really wanted to be was a chef. He became disillusioned over the hypocrisy he saw in Western governments and
embraced communism while living abroad in France.

Let's briefly review the history. Following World War I, on behalf of a group of Vietnamese patriots, Ho Chi Minh petitioned the European powers at the Versailles peace talks for equal rights in French Indochina, but he was ignored.
He was rebuffed first by President Woodrow Wilson, when he asked for help to remove the French from his country, and he was rebuffed by President Harry Truman, when he asked him to recognize his government.

It is was the French defeat during the Battle of Dien Bien Phu that led to the partitioning of Vietnam into the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the North, under Viet Minh control, and the State of Vietnam in the South. When France left Southeast Asia during 1954, America increased its commitment to South Vietnam which eventually led to the Vietnam War. Americans have forgotten that Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh were our allies in the Pacific War against Japan during World War II.

It seems our government has habitually turned on many of our former allies for various reasons when they were no longer useful. Our nation has also supported corrupt and tyrannical regimes like the Shah of Iran and Genral Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar, whose gangster infested, corrupt regime was overthrown by Fidel Castro.

We allied ourselves with Al-Qaida in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation, with Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq War, with Japan as an allied nation during World War I, with Russia during World War II, the Contras in the 1980s (which led to the Iran-Contra Scandal during the Reagan Administration), with former Nazis after World War II, and Manuel Noriega was once on our payroll working under cover for the CIA. Yes, we Americans have a sordid history when it comes to our former allies. Who will we turn on next?

What Fools We Mortals Be

It never ceases to amaze me how so many well educated and intelligent people can be misled so easily. This post is the first in a series that I hope will stimulate newspaper readers to think.

I also want to challenge talk radio listeners, and viewers of cable news shows to use their brains to think deeply about the information they are receiving. If we don't use our brains to think and to examine what we are being told more closely, what fools we mortals be.

First, let's lay the groundwork. Far too often, people confuse possessing great skill or great wealth with having great intelligence. Far too many confuse repeating information with having genuine knowledge and too many of us readily accept opinions as though they are actual facts.

With this understanding in mind, let's begin to re-examine the information we are using to make our decisions. Could it be that we, as a society, are not basing our decisions concerning major political, social and economic issues on real intelligence, genuine knowledge and facts? Is it possible in this day and age with all these information tools at our beck and call that we are still being misled by our elected officials? Is our national government acting in our best interest or someone else's? Is it possible that we have put an entire political apparatus in place that does not have our best interest in mind? The first step in this maturation process is to understand the role and limitations of our information sources.

Since newspapers and news agencies document or report reality and/or actuality, they can only identify who, what, where, when and how. They can rarely tell us why. Even if they could, we have no way of verifying, with any degree of certainty, that what we are being told is the real reason/s behind a person's or group's actions and/or activities. All we have to go on is the reporter's written or verbal statements or what he/she is transmitting to us via television, radio or the Internet.

Even I can't tell you the real reason behind any one's actions or activities. All I can relay to you is what I have read or been told. There is a simple reason for this. It is impossible to be in two places at the exact same moment in real time. Consequently, we have little or no choice but to rely on those that are closest to the actual event. We, as a society, have little or no choice except to rely on our sources of information. Because this is true, we must never, not for a single moment ,forget that these purveyors of information are human beings just like us.

Now, I have written all that to ask these questions. What is the real reason behind our War in Iraq? What are the real reasons behind the policy decisions made by our elected officials? Why didn't the Bush Administration pursue Bin Laden into Pakistan? They certainly had few, if any, qualms about invading Iraq.

Why are the Clintons, both political grifters and opportunist, still visible on our political horizon? Are we that desperate? Why are the Democrats adamantly pursuing Socialism as a national policy? What group or individual is behind the rapid decline of American society? What group or individual is behind the gutting of our industrial base? Why do major news programs feel so comfortable spoon feeding us pabulum for the evening news? Is our legislative process for sale or has it been sold already? These are just a few of the questions we need to be asking ourselves and our elected officials. Many of these questions will be addressed in future posts.

Energy Policy

There are only two type problems on planet earth; natural and man made. There are no others. Our energy needs are natural and man made. Natural because we are dealing with a resource we did not create.

We can use our energy resources, but humanity had nothing to with the creation of oil, coal, trees and natural gases. If the availability of energy resources were our only problem, I can easily solve this problem for you because there are only 2 logical courses of action.

1. Develop and implement programs, policies and procedures that would limit our use and need for natural energy reserves. Or...
2. Develop and implement programs, policies and procedures to deal with the aftermath in the event this could not be done. Surely, any intelligent group of people can figure this out.

what nature has done or will do is beyond our and my immediate control, I must identify our collective problems before I can solve them for you. Our man made problems can be lumped into 12 broad categories.
  • Failure to Research and/or Investigate (Educational, Institutional)
  • Inadequate Technological Development (Educational, Institutional)
  • Developmental Failure (Don't have enough knowledge or expertise)
  • Implementational Failure (Social, Political, Economic)
  • Operational Failure (Social, Political, Economic)
  • Failure to Communicate (Social, Political)
  • Failure to Cooperate (Social, Political)
  • Personal or Group Greed (Social, Political, Economic)
  • Personal or Group Insensitivity (Social, Political)
  • Personal or Group Hatred (Social, Political)
  • Ignorance and Uncertainty (Humanity's biggest problem)
  • Lacking the Courage or Will to Solve the Problem, Collectively or Individually (Every problem has a solution)
All these problems can be solved with accurate information and applying the age old principle of using whatever knowledge we have managed to accumulate with understanding and wisdom. Whenever a person or group fail to act responsibly or fail to compromise in a legislative process because of conscious, principle or belief (religious or otherwise), we are not dealing with a problem. We are dealing with a condition.

Conditions can exist for any number of reasons. Our collective mission and objective is to find out the nature of the condition and address it in an intelligent, thoughtful and forthright manner. This means our energy needs can be solved. I strongly support making all available areas open for access to oil and natural gas exploration. The federal government should have developed a logical and comprehensive energy policy by now. Any well thought out energy policy should have 6 key elements...
  • Effectively alleviate high consumer energy prices
  • Reduce or effectively manage consumption
  • Reduce our reliance on imported energy resources
  • Develop alternative and/or renewable energy sources
  • Increase our ability and capacity to develop and manage our own energy resources..and
  • Protect the environment before, during and after energy resources are discovered or developed by a man made process.
Consumers, industry and businesses throughout the nation should have enough innate intelligence to realize oil, gas, coal and other natural energy resources are finite. Even renewable energy resources have limitations. Therefore, if our nation is still struggling with rising energy prices, tighter supplies and increased reliance on imports from politically unstable areas, then we have a failed or failing leadership group in charge.

It is more important than ever that the federal government allow access to all offshore oil and natural gas supplies – including those available in the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska and the Atlantic. Our government leaders should be working out the details of a sensible energy policy that safely and effectively utilizes U.S. resources. This will not only help industries that rely on crude and natural gas, it would also strengthen our national security, provide jobs for our citizens and spur economic growth.

The Administration and Congress must also quickly approve measures allowing coastal states and localities to receive a fair and equitable share of revenues derived from offshore oil and gas production. This production revenue would provide a tremendous benefit to state and local communities; helping to build roads, schools, hospitals and to address other vital local needs. In addition, no exploration and/or delivery of energy resources should be done without taking all the necessary precautions to safeguard our environment. Don't forget...we live here.

Friday, March 23, 2007

My Thoughts On The Death Penalty

The Death Penalty is a legitimate means by which civil society can rid itself of individuals that knowingly and willfully take the lives of others. It is not given to mankind to judge one another.

However; we can, as a society, judge the actions of another human being. If those actions have destroyed a human life, then that life should be destroyed as well and as expeditiously as possible.
Why is this so important? The answer: Time.

Time is the enemy of the victim and the ally of the assailant. Time softens impact and weakens resolve. Since the reality of time is such a critical factor when it comes to the use of the death penalty, let me solve this problem for you. The time to exercise our legitimate right to protect ourselves and the lives law abiding citizens is when the acts of the convicted murderer/s are fresh in our collective minds, when the evidence of the horror of the deed has not passed from active consciousness, when the family impacted by an individual or group's barbaric cruelty is still before us.

The primary reason why the death penalty is misconstrued as being ineffective is because of the time it takes to execute a convicted murderer. It is true. Killing the murderer will not bring Sally back, but it will definitely keep Mary from becoming another one of his/her/their victims. It is argued that the death penalty does not deter crime. No it does not and neither do laws. Yet, there is no movement to abolish our legal system or abandon laws that maintain civil society.

Could it be that death by legitimate means is not horrendous enough? Perhaps, if it were, an individual or group of individuals would think twice Before taking the life of another. Could it be that killings that result from crimes of passion occur precisely because there is no horror to consider? Certainly if a man or woman knew he/she would be "Drawn and Quartered" publicly would think twice before murdering his/her spouse or lover. Perhaps, being "Impaled" on a stake might make him/her think twice as well. Maybe the Viking method of "Eagles Wings" when your lungs are ripped out of body while you are still alive, or the tried and true "Guillotine".

We has a society should reserve our sympathy for the victim, not his/her murderer. There are several issues I would like to address in this article such as Manslaughter, Accidental Death, Self Defense, Self Protection, War, Civil Unrest, Violent Revolution, Political Beliefs, Nationalism, Religious Belief, Legal Injustices and a host of others. However, to do so would require a book, not an article. These categories represent other ways humans manage to kill themselves off. Perhaps, we can address these issues in the future; as well as why more prisons and more time in a prison is not the solution.

The Case For Justice

Is there justice in the world? Absolutely not. Should there be? Absolutely. Why isn't the concept of justice and the truth and spirit of justice practiced more often? Let me solve this problem for you.

The answer and reason are one and the same. People; and more specifically, the mind-set and ideology of people. We can add to this, the character, personality and nature of a people. The hue and cry for justice has been with mankind since he first appeared on earth.

What justice was there when Able slew his brother Cain? The answer. None. As a society grows and develops, the concept of justice and the codification of justice should be thoroughly ingrained in every human being, but this rarely happens. The need for justice and its practice never changes. Justice is what we all need and need to apply in all our dealings with others. Without justice and a working implementable concept of it, we are no better than beasts clad in modern clothing.

There are numerous reasons why the concept of justice is rarely practiced within our society. Let us begin with ignorance or not knowing. If one does not have a concept of justice or knows what justice means, it is virtually impossible for that person/s to understand the impact of his negative and insensitive actions toward others.

Then, there is the ability to exercise power over others. The more power an individual wields over another the greater his/her propensity to take unfair advantage, oppress, suppress, abuse, injury or even kill. This power can be actual or psychological in nature. Whether real or imagined, the outcome for the victim is the same.

We definitely can not leave out perverse mentality. Individuals afflicted with this corrupt state of mind see themselves as a god figure possessing the power of life or death over other human beings. Far more often than not, the victim suffers severe injury or death.

Political and social expediency are additional reasons why injustice prevails in our world, rather than justice. These opposite sides of the same coin are the breeding grounds for racial and ethnic hostility, Apartheid, segregation, ethnic cleansing, persecution, bigotry, unrestrained nationalism, class biasness and ruthless oppression of innocent peoples. This form of injustice is by far the most deadly. Because of it, millions can be brutalized or destroyed with impunity.

The desire for economic gain or supremacy is another reason why injustice permeates the very fiber of the social order. Legal thievery, unfair wage and labor laws, environmental destruction, illegal taxation, unfair trade practices and even mass murder can be traced to the desire for economic gain.

Finally, radical or fervent religious beliefs. "Killing Fields" are everywhere on this planet. The madness of religious fanaticism is not only well documented, we can see it daily on the evening news. Therefore, who among us can make a case for the concept and the actual practice of justice? The answer: All of us. Everything just covered and to be covered are all the actions or inactions of people. So who is to blame? The answer is always the same..."we the people".

What are "we the people" going to do about making justice a reality in our lives and the cornerstone of human society? The usual...nothing!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Rise And Fall Of Democracies

The following information was emailed to me to evaluate. In my opinion it is informative. Therefore, I have decided to add it to my blog. It is no secret America is in decline. We are simply marking time until the end comes..

All the elements are now in place to usher in a new world order where America is no longer a major player. For those of you that have a problem with understanding where America is on the Geological Timeline, let me solve this problem for you by posting the following information.

About the time our original 13 states adopted their new constitution, in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic 2,000 years prior:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

"The average age of the worlds greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

1. From bondage to spiritual faith;

2. From spiritual faith to great courage;

3. From courage to liberty;

4. From liberty to abundance;

5. From abundance to complacency;

6. From complacency to apathy;

7. From apathy to dependence;

8. From dependence back into bondage "

Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some 40 percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.

Ignorance, Greed & Selfishness

The following information was emailed to me by a family friend. She wanted my opinion on it. I emailed her back and told her it was informative. The weak minded might consider the following information derogatory.

In my opinion it isn't, but it is not my call, it's Google's call and the readers of this blog. If you feel I am being insensitive by putting this on my blog, please let me know. My blog is written to solve problems not create them.

The best way I can solve this problem for you is by letting Google and my readers make the call to keep it or delete it. The email is printed in it's entirety.


The sad thing about this article is that the essence of it is true. The truth hurts. I just hope this sets more Black people in motion towards making real progress. Chris Rock, a Black comedian, even joked that Blacks don't read. Help prove them wrong! Read and pass on.

Please Note:
For those of you who heard it, this is the article Dee Lee was reading this morning on a New York radio station. For those of you who didn't hear it, this is very deep. This is a heavy piece and a Caucasian wrote it. Dee Lee, CFP Harvard Financial Educators.

As Read By:
Dee Lee

"We can continue to reap profits from the Blacks without the effort of physical slavery. Look at the current methods of containment that they use on themselves: IGNORANCE, GREED, and SELFISHNESS".

"Their IGNORANCE is the primary weapon of containment. A great man once said, "The best way to hide something from Black people is to put it in a book." We now live in the Information Age. They have gained the opportunity to read any book on any subject through the efforts of their fight for freedom, yet they refuse to read. There are numerous books readily available at Borders, Barnes & Noble, and, not to mention their own Black Bookstores that provide solid blueprints to reach economic equality (which should have been their fight all along), but few read consistently, if at all".

"GREED is another powerful weapon of containment. Blacks, since the abolition of slavery, have had large amounts of money at their disposal. Last year they spent 10 billion dollars during Christmas, out of their 450 billion dollars in total yearly income (2.22%). Any of us can use them as our target market, for any business venture we care to dream up, no matter how outlandish, they will buy into it. Being primarily a consumer people, they function totally by greed. They continually want more, with little thought for saving or investing. They would rather buy some new sneaker than invest in starting a business".

"Some even neglect their children to have the latest Tommy or FUBU, And they still think that having a Mercedes, and a big house gives them "Status" or that they have achieved their Dream. They are fools! The vast majority of their people are still in poverty because their greed holds them back from collectively making better communities. With the help of BET, and the rest of their black media that often broadcasts destructive images into their own homes, we will continue to see huge profits like those of Tommy and Nike".

"(Tommy Hilfiger has even jeered them, saying he doesn't want their money, and look at how the fools spend more with him than ever before!). They'll continue to show off to each other while we build solid communities with the profits from our businesses that we market to them".

"SELFISHNESS, ingrained in their minds through slavery, is one of the major ways we can continue to contain them. One of their own, Dubois said that there was an innate division in their culture. A "Talented Tenth" he called it. He was correct in his deduction that there are segments of their culture that has achieved some "form" of success. However, that segment missed the fullness of his work".

"They didn't read that the "Talented Tenth" was then responsible to aid The Non-Talented Ninety Percent in achieving a better life. Instead, that segment has created another class, a Buppie class that looks down on their people or aids them in a condescending manner. They will never achieve what we have. Their selfishness does not allow them to be able to work together on any project or endeavor of substance. When they do get together, their selfishness lets their egos get in the way of their goal".

"Their so-called help organizations seem to only want to promote their name without making any real change in their community. They are content to sit in conferences and conventions in our hotels, and talk about what they will do, while they award plaques to the best speakers, not to the best doers. Is there no end to their selfishness? They steadfastly refuse to see that TOGETHER EACH ACHIEVES MORE (TEAM). They do not understand that they are no better than each other because of what they own, as a matter of fact, most of those Buppies are but one or two pay checks away from poverty. All of which is under the control of our pens in our offices and our rooms."

"Yes, we will continue to contain them as long as they refuse to re ad, continue to buy anything they want, and keep thinking they are "helping" their communities by paying dues to organizations which do little other than hold lavish conventions in our hotels. By the way, don't worry about any of them reading this letter, remember, 'THEY DON'T READ!!!! (Prove them wrong. Please pass this on! After Reading it..)"

The above information was faithfully reproduced exactly as I received it. For those desiring to have others read this piece, my blog address is:
This blog is not moderated. All comments will be available for all interested parties to see and read.

Are Our Political Leaders, Government Agencies, Public Officials And Business Owners Aiding And Abetting Criminals?

Aiding and abetting a criminal ( anyone that has violated a statute). A statute ( a law passed by a legislative body) is also a crime. Crime (an act in violation of a law).

A law (all the rules of conduct established by the authority or customs of a nation.) There are no, ifs, ands, or buts, either do or do not.
Let me solve this problem for you. If we, as a nation, choose not to enforce our laws or give amnesty to those that violate them, then we are creating, nurturing and developing a culture of crime and violence.

We automatically put ourselves on the same path that is turning Mexico and practically all of Central and South America into failed states. Failed states, without exception, have corrupt, self-serving and ineffective government. Leaders are more concerned about themselves and their own self enrichment than the needs of their people.

Practically all failed states have institutionalized graft, crime and corruption. Laws within these countries protect the influential, the rich and the powerful. Legal thievery is practiced and condoned by government officials. This condition doesn't happen overnight, it takes years. All the values that stabilize a nation are gradually eroded until the entire nation becomes destablized.

Many failing societies have a semblance of stability because people are still working at jobs and there is still some economic actvity. All failed states either lapse into factionalism, or they are eventually controlled by dictators or tyrannical governments that rule by force and intimidation. Surely, you do not want this to happen to America? Americans are too over-confident in our perceived wealth and invincibility. Al Qaida's attack on 9/11/2001 should have convinced us we are not invulnerable. Superman might be, but we are not.

We keep for getting, we were once on the precipice of becoming a failed state ourselves and fought a bloody civil war to bring us back together as a nation. There are only four elements that hold people together as a nation without force, intimidation, ruthless suppression and violence. They are laws, values, beliefs and economic stability. Begin to erode either one, and any nation or empire will begin to decline.

Because of our failed political leadership, we have over 12 million undocumented individuals within our borders that have no allegience to our country. Already they are beginning to take advantage of our systems, services, and legal processes. Every American needs to ask himself/herself what happens when the low paying jobs run out? What will these people do if we enter another major recession?

Their very presence is already pushing our crime rate up. Could mass riots happen if their basic needs are not met? We need to think about these things seriously and address this issue of illegal immigration with courage and resolve. We have a legitimate and proven legal process. Lets begin to use it.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Are Liberals Dangerous To Your Health?

Many people have a problem deciding whether or not to support liberal political, economic, moral and/or social agendas. Let me solve this problem for you; then, make up your own mind if that's possible.

Liberalistic philosophy has been the scourge of humanity since GOD put us on earth. For all you folks that have a problem with GOD, put a universe in place, then I'll consider your point of view.

Every great civilization the world has ever known except three, has been severely weakened or has fallen before the liberal horde. Just what is liberalism? In theory and by definition, liberalism sounds great. If you don't believe it, look it up in a good dictionary. In practice, it has brought more death, destruction and misery than all the wars prior to World World I combined. This incessant philosophy has led to the rise and empowerment of the most brutal, barbaric and blood-thirsty regimes this world has ever known. At it's core liberalism is the belief that mankind can direct its own affairs without GOD.

If liberalism is so dangerous why do so many well educated, wealthy, intelligent and generous people embrace it and gladly wear the label? Liberalism is easily embraced and widely supported by the masses because, on its surface, it seems benign and benevolent. However, underneath this thin covering is a ravenous beast waiting to be unleashed on an uninformed population. This confusion about liberalism and its murderous and destructive past and its soon to come murderous and destructive future is easily understandable because many believe a reformer or a progressive is a liberal.

Many unsuspecting liberal supporters also associate advocates for change, human rights, decent standards of living, fair trade practices, pollution control, environmental causes, help for the poor, child care, and all the "feel good" political and intellectual positions as liberal causes. They are not. These causes are adopted by liberals because of mass appeal. Who in their right mind can be against teaching our children reading, writing and arithmetic? It is because of these "feel good"socio -economic causes that liberals have slipped in amongst the true reformers and advocates and masquerade as men and/or women for the cause and for the people.

In actuality, liberals are selfish deceptive individuals that use popular socio-economic issues to solidify their power base and promote their own secret agendas. Once in power, they will plunge the world into chaos and destruction. This is the same method they have been using for thousands of years. This slide intoliberalistic induced annihilation is so gradual and unassuming, so thorough and complete, until the people that are being destroyed rarely recognize ruination is the fate waiting for them. Liberals don't realize it either. Only after it is over, do people ask the all too obvious question: "How did all these well educated and intelligent people let this happen"?

World War I, World II, Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Karl Marx, Mao Tse-tung, Idi Amin Dada, Pol Pot, Pappa Doc, Benito Mussolini, communism, satanism and a host of other isms and social malcontents that includes Charles Manson are all products of modern liberalism. This is important to remember because liberals are gradually moving into power positions through out the world and especially in America. As a nation, we have already moved farther to the social and political left than is reasonable or practical. In time, we will be beyond the point of no return. Let's briefly examine what this insidious philosophy has already given us besides taxation from crib to grave.

In our modern times, liberals masquerade as "Secular Humanist". These "Secular Humanist" have literally transformed our schools into day care centers, social experiments, dysfunctional institutions and a nightmare for our children. They almost destroyed and demoralized our military forces. Our manufacturing base has been gutted and shipped overseas. "Secular Humanist" have relegated millions to the welfare rolls, while turning thriving industrial communities into economic wastelands.

Under the "Secular Humanist" liberalistic agenda, our nation has become a cess pool of illegal drugs, crime, sexual perversion, immorality, deceit, deception, lies, fraud, governmental abuse, corruption and legal thievery. They are doing everything they can to drive GOD from the public arena and out of our collective consciousness.

Remember, at its core liberalism is the belief that mankind can direct its own affairs without GOD. Liberalism, our ancient nemesis, has put America on a downward spiral, from which we may never recover and this does not include the murder of over 40 million babies in abortion factories.

Because of their blunderous and often short-sighted foreign policy decisions, "Secular Humanist" have unwittingly contributed to the birth and growth of the modern terrorist movement. Don't take my word for this, review their sordid record and history for yourselves. Every group and individual that has ever embracedliberalistic philosophy was eventually destroyed by it.

So to save yourself from these seemingly benign and benevolent people, ask your political candidate this question: "Do you believe mankind can manage its own affairs without GOD"? If your political candidate says yes, you know to end your support for this individual.

If your candidate lies, you know he/she can not be trusted and is no longer deserving of your support. If your candidate evades the question, you know to end your support for him/her. If your candidate is a true politician, he/she will say or do anything to get elected, so watch him/her closely. You see, not only have I solved your problem, I have also answered the question...."Yes.... Liberalism is definitely dangerous to your health.