We are victims of our own propaganda. The reason why Western Culture is a dominating force on planet earth has nothing to do with Western Culture, science or our natural resources and everything to do with GOD. For all you folks that have a problem with GOD, put a universe in place; then, I'll consider your point of view.
For centuries westerners went to Egypt and elsewhere to learn and understand the applied sciences. Throughout history you can read about the improbable things that happened so that one group emergedvictorious over another. Carthage should have easily defeated the Romans, but they did not. If it were not for unbelievable decisions made by Medo-Persian rulers, the Macedonians would have never defeated the Medes and the Persians.
Athens should have easily defeated the Spartans, but disease struck them down. Even Pericles did not escape this scourge. Alexander the Great died of a mysterious illness. His empire was divided among his 4 generals. Under their leadership, the empire he had conquered eventually collapsed. Egypt should be a major world power today, but it isn't. Two terrible winters in Russia destroyed two armies, the French and the Germans.
The Ottoman-Turks and the Germans should have won World War I with little difficulty, but they didn't. The Germans and the Japanese should have won World War II, but they didn't. America should have defeated the Chinese and North Koreans, but we didn't. We should have easily defeated the Vietminh and theViet Cong, but we didn't. Because of our inability to defeat these two Second World nations, things do not look good for America's long term survival as a major world power.
Throughout history are blunders that are so profound, it is hard to believe that intelligent, well educated people could have made them. I have just given you a snapshot. There are far too many incidents to mention in this blog. However, research in any public library will verify everything I have highlighted about Western Culture in general.
Let's turn to the sciences. 95% of all scientific discovers were made by Jews or Christians, by people living in countries that were friendly to Jews and Christians or dominated by Christians. Without theJudeo-Christian influence, pagan Europeans, Americans, Canadians and all other pagan peoples on planet earth would still be using 18Th century technology.
Whenever Western Culture strayed from its Judeo-Christian principles, Europe became a blood bath. In fact, true Western Culture is a 3,000 year history of betrayal, deceit, treachery, murder and destruction on massive scales. North and South America, the Far East, the Pacific Realm and the Middle East were not spared.
Remove the Judeo-Christian influence and Western Culture would be considered barbaric by any reasonable standard. Every institution from the lowest to the highest, the sciences, our societies, and everything and all things in between have been recipients and beneficiaries of theJudeo-Christain influence.
Our growth and development into something remotely resembling civilization has nothing to do with Western Culture and everything to do with the will of GOD working through the minds of men and women.
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