Liberalistic philosophy has been the scourge of humanity since GOD put us on earth. For all you folks that have a problem with GOD, put a universe in place, then I'll consider your point of view.
Every great civilization the world has ever known except three, has been severely weakened or has fallen before the liberal horde. Just what is liberalism? In theory and by definition, liberalism sounds great. If you don't believe it, look it up in a good dictionary. In practice, it has brought more death, destruction and misery than all the wars prior to World World I combined. This incessant philosophy has led to the rise and empowerment of the most brutal, barbaric and blood-thirsty regimes this world has ever known. At it's core liberalism is the belief that mankind can direct its own affairs without GOD.
If liberalism is so dangerous why do so many well educated, wealthy, intelligent and generous people embrace it and gladly wear the label? Liberalism is easily embraced and widely supported by the masses because, on its surface, it seems benign and benevolent. However, underneath this thin covering is a ravenous beast waiting to be unleashed on an uninformed population. This confusion about liberalism and its murderous and destructive past and its soon to come murderous and destructive future is easily understandable because many believe a reformer or a progressive is a liberal.
Many unsuspecting liberal supporters also associate advocates for change, human rights, decent standards of living, fair trade practices, pollution control, environmental causes, help for the poor, child care, and all the "feel good" political and intellectual positions as liberal causes. They are not. These causes are adopted by liberals because of mass appeal. Who in their right mind can be against teaching our children reading, writing and arithmetic? It is because of these "feel good"socio -economic causes that liberals have slipped in amongst the true reformers and advocates and masquerade as men and/or women for the cause and for the people.
In actuality, liberals are selfish deceptive individuals that use popular socio-economic issues to solidify their power base and promote their own secret agendas. Once in power, they will plunge the world into chaos and destruction. This is the same method they have been using for thousands of years. This slide intoliberalistic induced annihilation is so gradual and unassuming, so thorough and complete, until the people that are being destroyed rarely recognize ruination is the fate waiting for them. Liberals don't realize it either. Only after it is over, do people ask the all too obvious question: "How did all these well educated and intelligent people let this happen"?
World War I, World II, Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Karl Marx, Mao Tse-tung, Idi Amin Dada, Pol Pot, Pappa Doc, Benito Mussolini, communism, satanism and a host of other isms and social malcontents that includes Charles Manson are all products of modern liberalism. This is important to remember because liberals are gradually moving into power positions through out the world and especially in America. As a nation, we have already moved farther to the social and political left than is reasonable or practical. In time, we will be beyond the point of no return. Let's briefly examine what this insidious philosophy has already given us besides taxation from crib to grave.
In our modern times, liberals masquerade as "Secular Humanist". These "Secular Humanist" have literally transformed our schools into day care centers, social experiments, dysfunctional institutions and a nightmare for our children. They almost destroyed and demoralized our military forces. Our manufacturing base has been gutted and shipped overseas. "Secular Humanist" have relegated millions to the welfare rolls, while turning thriving industrial communities into economic wastelands.
Under the "Secular Humanist" liberalistic agenda, our nation has become a cess pool of illegal drugs, crime, sexual perversion, immorality, deceit, deception, lies, fraud, governmental abuse, corruption and legal thievery. They are doing everything they can to drive GOD from the public arena and out of our collective consciousness.
Remember, at its core liberalism is the belief that mankind can direct its own affairs without GOD. Liberalism, our ancient nemesis, has put America on a downward spiral, from which we may never recover and this does not include the murder of over 40 million babies in abortion factories.
Under the "Secular Humanist" liberalistic agenda, our nation has become a cess pool of illegal drugs, crime, sexual perversion, immorality, deceit, deception, lies, fraud, governmental abuse, corruption and legal thievery. They are doing everything they can to drive GOD from the public arena and out of our collective consciousness.
Remember, at its core liberalism is the belief that mankind can direct its own affairs without GOD. Liberalism, our ancient nemesis, has put America on a downward spiral, from which we may never recover and this does not include the murder of over 40 million babies in abortion factories.
Because of their blunderous and often short-sighted foreign policy decisions, "Secular Humanist" have unwittingly contributed to the birth and growth of the modern terrorist movement. Don't take my word for this, review their sordid record and history for yourselves. Every group and individual that has ever embracedliberalistic philosophy was eventually destroyed by it.
So to save yourself from these seemingly benign and benevolent people, ask your political candidate this question: "Do you believe mankind can manage its own affairs without GOD"? If your political candidate says yes, you know to end your support for this individual.
If your candidate lies, you know he/she can not be trusted and is no longer deserving of your support. If your candidate evades the question, you know to end your support for him/her. If your candidate is a true politician, he/she will say or do anything to get elected, so watch him/her closely. You see, not only have I solved your problem, I have also answered the question...."Yes.... Liberalism is definitely dangerous to your health.
So to save yourself from these seemingly benign and benevolent people, ask your political candidate this question: "Do you believe mankind can manage its own affairs without GOD"? If your political candidate says yes, you know to end your support for this individual.
If your candidate lies, you know he/she can not be trusted and is no longer deserving of your support. If your candidate evades the question, you know to end your support for him/her. If your candidate is a true politician, he/she will say or do anything to get elected, so watch him/her closely. You see, not only have I solved your problem, I have also answered the question...."Yes.... Liberalism is definitely dangerous to your health.