A law (all the rules of conduct established by the authority or customs of a nation.) There are no, ifs, ands, or buts, either do or do not. Let me solve this problem for you. If we, as a nation, choose not to enforce our laws or give amnesty to those that violate them, then we are creating, nurturing and developing a culture of crime and violence.
We automatically put ourselves on the same path that is turning Mexico and practically all of Central and South America into failed states. Failed states, without exception, have corrupt, self-serving and ineffective government. Leaders are more concerned about themselves and their own self enrichment than the needs of their people.
Practically all failed states have institutionalized graft, crime and corruption. Laws within these countries protect the influential, the rich and the powerful. Legal thievery is practiced and condoned by government officials. This condition doesn't happen overnight, it takes years. All the values that stabilize a nation are gradually eroded until the entire nation becomes destablized.
Many failing societies have a semblance of stability because people are still working at jobs and there is still some economic actvity. All failed states either lapse into factionalism, or they are eventually controlled by dictators or tyrannical governments that rule by force and intimidation. Surely, you do not want this to happen to America? Americans are too over-confident in our perceived wealth and invincibility. Al Qaida's attack on 9/11/2001 should have convinced us we are not invulnerable. Superman might be, but we are not.
We keep for getting, we were once on the precipice of becoming a failed state ourselves and fought a bloody civil war to bring us back together as a nation. There are only four elements that hold people together as a nation without force, intimidation, ruthless suppression and violence. They are laws, values, beliefs and economic stability. Begin to erode either one, and any nation or empire will begin to decline.
Because of our failed political leadership, we have over 12 million undocumented individuals within our borders that have no allegience to our country. Already they are beginning to take advantage of our systems, services, and legal processes. Every American needs to ask himself/herself what happens when the low paying jobs run out? What will these people do if we enter another major recession?
Their very presence is already pushing our crime rate up. Could mass riots happen if their basic needs are not met? We need to think about these things seriously and address this issue of illegal immigration with courage and resolve. We have a legitimate and proven legal process. Lets begin to use it.
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