Sunday, March 25, 2007

Colonizing America Vs Illegal Immigration

There are some advocates for illegal immigration that are now claiming American colonist were illegal immigrants. The English settlers that left their country and came to America were not illegal immigrants.

America, as a nation, did not exist at that time. This is precisely why the Puritans, Quakers, Lutherans, Calvinist and others seeking freedom from persecution came here. No European nation would allow them or anyone else to enter their country enmasse without permission. Such an act would be considered an invasion and met with military force. In addition, Protestant beliefs were not acceptable in many European communities.

The Native American nations accepted the settlers until their numbers began to grow. Let's examine the facts. It was the native Americans that began allying themselves with the settlers and colonists in their wars against each other. They had no idea what they were unleashing upon themselves. The rest is history. If the 12 largest tribes had banded together against the settlers from the very beginning, the world's history would probably be different.

The same is true for Latin America and Liberia. If the native Latin American populations had united against the Spaniards, the history of Latin America would be different. Instead tribal groups within the native population allied themselves with the settlers and colonialist in their wars against each other. They too had no idea what they were unleashing upon themselves.

Liberia suffered the same fate. It took the Native Liberians a long time to overthrow the entrenched American families and their corrupt government. Liberia is now in the process of rebuilding after their bloody uprising. They will succeed in their efforts as long as they have honest, dedicated leadership and the people work together as a nation, rather than self-serving and selfish individuals. Since huge segments of Latin America's population did not unite and rise up in the very beginning to overthrow their entrenched families and their corrupt governments, they have paid the price.

Americans united in the late 17Th century to overthrow our entrenched families and their corrupt governments. England did the same, France, Germany, Spain and the list goes on. When people fail to unite, to overthrow their tyrants, they bring devastation upon themselves.

Let's fast forward to the present. No government can exist without the support of people. The Cubans that supported Fidel Castro and his revolutionary army rose up and overthrew their corrupt government. Instead of forming a government of honest dedicated leaders, he did the opposite and Cuba has suffered every since.

Millions of Cubans welcomed him with opened arms. Many more did not rise up or demand anything, instead they fled to America and other countries and tried to conduct a clandestine campaign against him from sanctuaries.

The Russians rose up and overthrew the Czar, The Iranians rose up and overthrew the Shah, the Poles rose up and overthrew their corrupt communist government. However, unlike the Russians, the Iranians, and many nations in Latin America that replaced one corrupt government with another one that was just as corrupt, the Poles decided on honest, dedicated leadership and are now a leading country in Eastern Europe.

What makes America what it not our economy. Germany, South Korea, Israel and Japan have economies that are just as good. They are simply smaller nations. Size is not the key. Russia and Canada control much more territory. It's not our natural resources. Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Peru are also rich in natural resources. It is not our form of government. There are at least 50 Constitutional Republics with elected representatives around the world.

Religious beliefs is not the key. All of Mexico, Central and South America, India, and the Islamic Nations are far more religious. It's not our technology. Much of our consumer technology comes from Japan and China. Chinese and Russian missiles are just as effective as ours. Our culture and customs are not the keys. America, as a nation, doesn't really have a culture, customs or traditions.

In Japan's initial rise to greatness, the UN did not exist. After World War II, the vast majority of the money spent for rebuilding went to Europe, not Japan. The Japanese literally rebuilt Japan themselves . The world has given trillions to Somalia, Haiti, The Dominican Republic and the Palestinians and they are still no better off. We have spent trillions on poverty in America and our minority communities are more poverty stricken today than they were before.

What makes America, any nation, or any group of people what they are...are the people themselves. It's what the people do or do not that makes the difference. I could talk about 100 countries where people are struggling and dying rather than coming together as a group or a nation. The answer is always the same. What makes a nation great are its people and those they choose to govern them and lead them. By default, Latin America chose what is has.

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