Why? Because 9 times out 10 these "self styled" or so called" philosophers are no better than you or me. These people are driven by their egos and their narrow and limited understanding of life, reality and actuality. Why narrow and limited? They, like you and me, do not live long enough. The best they can produce is a belief system that is followed by individuals that are weak and narrow minded themselves.
This happens frequently because the overwhelming majority of people on planet earth do not know the difference between a belief system and a true religion. Belief systems are not religions at all. They are merely the philosophies and traditions of men and women masquerading as a religion. These belief systems are given credibility by intellectuals and the academic community because of perceived similarities, not real similarities.
However, before we begin this discussion, let's define religion and use a standard definition that has been accepted by scholars around the world as an accurate understanding. A religion is a belief binding the spiritual nature of man or a woman to a super natural being that has the power to create other super natural beings and self sustaining life forms and involves a feeling of dependence and responsibility, together with the feelings and practices which naturally flow from such a belief.
By this definition, Confucianism is not a religion. It follows the teachings of Confucius a natural man, born of woman and later died. The same is true for Taoism, Shintoism, Buddhism, Hinduism (based on the Vedic writings and philosophies), spiritualism of all kinds are philosophies and so is Zoroastrianism.
Islam is based on the revelations of an angel (Gabriel) to a man (Muhammad Mohamet), born of woman and died. Muslims believe Allah (God), via an angel (Gabriel), delivered these messages (the Quran/Koran) to Muhammad. Muhammad himself never claimed or professed that he received revelations from any other source other than the angel Gabriel.
Even though angels are super natural beings, they can not create other beings or self sustaining life forms. Therefore, Gabrielism is a philosophy. However, it does not exist as such. What exist is Islam. Since Angels are messengers of GOD (YHVH), the GOD of the Jews and Christians, Islam for all practical purposes is a derivative of Judaism, though no true confessing Muslim will ever admit this fact. If Islam divorces itself from Judaism, which it has, it is automatically reduced to a philosophy.
Mormonism is based on the teachings of Moroni a prophet that was reportedly sent as a messenger by God to Joseph Smith, another man born of woman and was later killed. Mormonism by definition is not a religion. Moroni was a man, born of woman and died. Mormonism is basically a philosophy that is a derivative or a sect of Christianity.
Likewise, Satanism, is tied to an angel, a super natural being that can not create other super natural beings or self sustaining life forms. By definition - Satanism is a philosophy. Therefore, in a contest of Satanism vs Judeo-Christianity, one can clearly and emphatically state Judeo-Christianity is better than Satanism.
There is only one religion on earth that reports and claims that its revelations and teachings come directly from GOD, and that is Judaism and Christianity. We might as well say Judeo-Christianity because they are truly one and the same. So when one says one's religion is better than a philosophy there is truth in this statement.
By definition there is only one true religion on earth and that is Judeo-Christianity. The reason: Angels are created super natural entities that did not create themselves, nor can they create other super natural beings or self sustaining life forms. Even Satan is a fallen angel.
Even though the Vedic writings make numerous references to super natural entities, nowhere in any of the writings do the authors state they were divinely inspired by GOD. Therefore, the only logical conclusion one can reach is: All the nations on earth and all the people on earth have been beneficiaries of only one true religion and that religion is Judeo-Christianity. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. Since there is only one true religion, it is, by default, better than any one's philosophy.
Even though the Vedic writings make numerous references to super natural entities, nowhere in any of the writings do the authors state they were divinely inspired by GOD. Therefore, the only logical conclusion one can reach is: All the nations on earth and all the people on earth have been beneficiaries of only one true religion and that religion is Judeo-Christianity. I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. Since there is only one true religion, it is, by default, better than any one's philosophy.
Basically, when we engage in religious discussions, we are not discussing religions. We are actually discussing systems of beliefs. A system of beliefs can be about anything or started by anyone, and in this discussion, one can legitimately call into question, whether or not one is better or more beneficial than another.
However, a true religion can only be created by a GOD. On this planet that GOD is (YHVH). YHWH, Yahweh, Yahveh and Jehovah are accepted translations. Anything else is a belief system started and perpetuated by men and women and those that follow them. In fact, true Judaism and true Christianity are really not religions. Men have turned them into religions.
True Judaism and true Christianity are messages that tell the world about a righteous government and a righteous kingdom rule by GOD himself. In fact, Jesus the Messiah, the Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing came to earth to begin the process of re-establishing GOD's Kingdom not to start a religion. Hence; the Messianic Message..Repent, because the Kingdom of GOD is at hand.
True Judaism and true Christianity are messages that tell the world about a righteous government and a righteous kingdom rule by GOD himself. In fact, Jesus the Messiah, the Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing came to earth to begin the process of re-establishing GOD's Kingdom not to start a religion. Hence; the Messianic Message..Repent, because the Kingdom of GOD is at hand.
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