Sunday, March 25, 2007

What Is The Real Mesaage Of The 2006 Mid Term Elections?

While the Democrats are flexing their political muscle and the Republicans are still reeling from their defeat, the real losers in the mid-term elections of 2006 are the American People.

The U.S. House of Representatives has returned to its former theatrics and it took less than 30 days for the U.S. Senate to return to its comedy routine. There are only two real messages I can glean from the 2006 mid-term elections.

  • Message #1: The American voters put back in power the same party that flaunts its perversions, corruption, immorality, back room, back door, and deceptive legislative practices and its utter contempt for the rule of law.
Pundits, "so called" experts and Democratic operatives are telling us that we, the American people, have sent a strong message that we are upset with the Bush Administration and their supposedly mismanagement of the War on Terror.

Therefore, they are essentially telling us that we, the American people, prefer graft, corruption, perversion, immorality and a gangster operation masquerading as the Democratic Party, rather than A Republican Party of principles, values, responsible citizenship, low taxes, real leadership and effective government. Well, in theory that's how it was suppose to be.

I don't support failed Republican leadership any more than I support failed Democratic leadership. I don't care for failed leadership of any kind. These times are too dangerous and explosive for that. However, I'm not that far removed from reality to put Democrats back in control of Congress. The Democratic record in this country is not only shameful and a dismal failure, it is an absolute atrocity.

It should be as visible as the nose on your face that the Bush Administration and the Republican leadership failed all us. At least President Bush and the Republicans had the guts to stand up and try to do something about our downward spiral.

During the 6 years the Republicans controlled the House and the Senate they did manage to give Congress some level of decency.
However, that old adage is still true and few have escaped is intoxicating appeal. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Did Republicans make mistakes?...Yes. Did the Republican leadership slip into the unforgiving abyss of cover up and corruption?...Without question.

However, unlike their Democratic counterparts that are still harboring an impeached judge and a suspected criminal in the House of Representatives, elected a dead man to political office, elected a known racist and a glib griftess to the U.S. Senate and a known philanderer as President, at least the Republicans try to keep a clean house.

The Democrats have little or no concept as how to keep their political house clean. The stench from the corruption and chicanery that the Democratically controlled Congress gave us in the past still hangs over this nation like a burial shroud. But, if you stand in a pig pen long enough, you can easily adapt to its foul smell and mounds of filth.

These are not partisan attacks, they are absolute facts that any reader can verify for himself/herself. To be sure the War in Iraq is no longer popular; but the war against radical Islam is the right war at the right time. It's just in the wrong place. To be sure, the war on terror has been horribly mismanaged. But to assume the Democrats can save us from future terrorism is sheer madness.

How can modern Democrats help us win a war against radical Islam? How can they, when they have already made a mess of America. The modern Democratic Party has literally destroyed every value, concept and precept we have ever cherished as a nation.

The modern Democratic Party and its "Secular Humanist" supporters have ruined everything they have touched from education to free trade. It only stands to reason they will ruin the War on Terror and destroy us in the process.

This leads me to the second message I have gleaned from the 2006 mid-term elections. This message is far more insidious and disheartening.
  • Message #2: Vast segments of our population are becoming lawless, petty, polarized, self-serving and selfish in nature. This population group is dragging all of us down to new lows of personal depravity. You can see their influence in everything from cartoons to television commercials and all points in between. Hollywood and cable got in the cess pool years ago.
There is another adage that is well suited for our day and age and it is uniquely suited as an epithet for the 2006 mid-term elections. Every nation of people will eventually end up with a government they deserve. GOD help us all if this ever comes true in America.

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