Friday, March 23, 2007

The Case For Justice

Is there justice in the world? Absolutely not. Should there be? Absolutely. Why isn't the concept of justice and the truth and spirit of justice practiced more often? Let me solve this problem for you.

The answer and reason are one and the same. People; and more specifically, the mind-set and ideology of people. We can add to this, the character, personality and nature of a people. The hue and cry for justice has been with mankind since he first appeared on earth.

What justice was there when Able slew his brother Cain? The answer. None. As a society grows and develops, the concept of justice and the codification of justice should be thoroughly ingrained in every human being, but this rarely happens. The need for justice and its practice never changes. Justice is what we all need and need to apply in all our dealings with others. Without justice and a working implementable concept of it, we are no better than beasts clad in modern clothing.

There are numerous reasons why the concept of justice is rarely practiced within our society. Let us begin with ignorance or not knowing. If one does not have a concept of justice or knows what justice means, it is virtually impossible for that person/s to understand the impact of his negative and insensitive actions toward others.

Then, there is the ability to exercise power over others. The more power an individual wields over another the greater his/her propensity to take unfair advantage, oppress, suppress, abuse, injury or even kill. This power can be actual or psychological in nature. Whether real or imagined, the outcome for the victim is the same.

We definitely can not leave out perverse mentality. Individuals afflicted with this corrupt state of mind see themselves as a god figure possessing the power of life or death over other human beings. Far more often than not, the victim suffers severe injury or death.

Political and social expediency are additional reasons why injustice prevails in our world, rather than justice. These opposite sides of the same coin are the breeding grounds for racial and ethnic hostility, Apartheid, segregation, ethnic cleansing, persecution, bigotry, unrestrained nationalism, class biasness and ruthless oppression of innocent peoples. This form of injustice is by far the most deadly. Because of it, millions can be brutalized or destroyed with impunity.

The desire for economic gain or supremacy is another reason why injustice permeates the very fiber of the social order. Legal thievery, unfair wage and labor laws, environmental destruction, illegal taxation, unfair trade practices and even mass murder can be traced to the desire for economic gain.

Finally, radical or fervent religious beliefs. "Killing Fields" are everywhere on this planet. The madness of religious fanaticism is not only well documented, we can see it daily on the evening news. Therefore, who among us can make a case for the concept and the actual practice of justice? The answer: All of us. Everything just covered and to be covered are all the actions or inactions of people. So who is to blame? The answer is always the same..."we the people".

What are "we the people" going to do about making justice a reality in our lives and the cornerstone of human society? The usual...nothing!